Jun 23, 2005 20:05
seeing as i'm starting to like this layout more and more each time i look at it, i'm probably going to hold off on renewing my paid account. though i do miss having more than 3 icons available for use, i guess i'll just have to put my faves on rotation. anyhoo...
i'm suppose to be studying at this moment, but i finally found some time to just sit down and write. particularly about Jane's wedding.
well, i guess i don't really have the time, since, as stated, i should be studying, but i feel like chatting. so chat i will.
Jane's wedding was a blast. very very fun, very very successful. and actually very very long in terms of scheduled programming, but still enjoyable nonetheless. the ceremony was held at the Immaculata over at USD. it was just an exciting tearful event. i couldn't believe that it was my best friend's wedding day. it was hard not to cry for any reason. she was all cool too, but when came down to it, she was crying her tears of joy as well.
being MOH was an experience. i'm glad i got to be her's, but i don't think i would want to be a MOH again for anyone else. what a role you have to play! but i got a lot of congrats on a job well done. funny, cause i don't know really what everyone's congratulation me for; ain't my wedding, right? Jane was sure everything was perfect. all i did was take care of my girl. maybe it's just me who doesn't understand it. i must be missing something.
the reception was held over at the Coronado Marriott, outdoors in a tent. it was beautiful, right by the water. the music and eats were good, the kissing games were sweet, the speech went well. i actually couldn't help myself and broke down during my speech. but Jane and Jesse really liked it, so i'm happy about it. Roy, Jes' brother and best man, did extremely well with his speech also. it was full of memories and laughs, which balanced my dramatic tearjerker.
Bay was surprised at the freaky-deekiness of my dancing, which i thought to be amusing. he swears that being MOH is the reason i started dancing that way. haha. Baby, if you only knew... but nope, just want to chacha all the time!
i think that was the most fun i had at a wedding in ages. usually i'm bored mid-evening of most receptions, but i had lots of fun this time. :)
i'll try to post some pictures from the wedding later. just a few. :)
real life