(no subject)

Feb 19, 2010 21:00

So, I totally failed on the whole photo meme... but I can't say that I'm all that surprised. I usually climb aboard the failboat with these types of thing. To semi-use a Disney Hercules quote, I just couldn't go the distance (note to self, watch Hercules). I might just post random photos when I feel like it though, but we'll see.

I got Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom the other day... and omfg... OMFG, I was shocked and surprised by what I found with the game. Initially I got it purely for the fact that it had Teknoman Blade as one of the playable characters. Seriously, I bought the game solely for that reason - I used to love that series and now am rewatching ♥. (It also occurred to me today, but Teknoman is almost 20 years old! And knowing that I watched it when it was first on TV [blessed Cheez TV ♥], now I'm feeling really old =|) ANYWAY! I was scanning through the other characters available, because my sister wanted to play as classic!Teknoman (you have to unlock Blade in all of his awesomeness T_T) - which I didn't mind doing since we're both huge Teknoman fans - and I came across one playable character that made me squee like I haven't squeed in a long time before.


Pardon the language, but Tasunoko Vs. Capcom has fuckin' Karas in it. That's so goddamn epic that I was beyond words when I saw this... KARAS!!!

In other gaming news, the new Alien Vs. Predator is out now, but I'm trying to be a good girl and wait until next week to buy it. I'm very excited to get my hands on it though - I love the damn games they bring out for that series ♥ Also! The Starcraft II beta has now officially started. I'm a little sad that I didn't get picked to beta the game, but at least I managed to play all 3 races at both the 2008 and 2009 PAX. Maaaaan I just want the damn game to be finished and released already T_T so I'll be hoping that there aren't too many bugs and problems to fix \o

I better think about having an early night tonight as well. I've got to get up at 7am and it's already almost midnight here. I've got a fun Father/Daughter date with Dad tomorrow. He's got it in his head that he wants to take me down to the shooting range with 'The Boys' to fire off the guns they have there. Personally I think he's just eager for me to test out the rifle he got for Christmas. I can't say that I'm all that interested, guns don't really interest me too much, but I'll give it a try. It will be the first gun I've fired since April 2008 when we went to Vegas for the sole purpose of my dad firing off a Thompson Machine Gun. I, of course, fired off an Uzi 9mm ♥ the weapon was chosen because of my RL nickname -coughs-

ANYWAY! I have 7 hours left to sleep so I better think about heading off... the only problem left is the cute little girl sleeping between my legs T____T Dammit! Why does Kitti have to be so damn cute! It makes it hard to move since I don't want to disrupt her =_=;;

Ack! /tries anyway

teknoman, aliens vs predator, starcraft, rl, karas

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