(no subject)

Feb 06, 2010 22:56

Day 8:

So! This would have to be one of my vices. Oh man... want-wants -clings to rice cracker- chibi_nataku knows of my obsession with them ♥ They've been sitting next to me for five days and I hadn't touched them until today! I feel so proud of myself... the two I had were pretty damn tasty \o/ They're the best <3!!! So that is why I had to take a photo of them for today's image \o/

Onto other news now~ I watched the other two episodes of White Collar, so now I'm not just caught back up with it, but I have fallen in love with that series yet again. OMFG! It's just-- ack! I can't say for fear of giving away spoilers! So I will just spam with the new White Collar icon I made instead ♥ he's so sexy

And now it's time for bed XD;

meme, white collar, icons

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