(no subject)

Jul 17, 2009 15:37

So... I finished season one of Babylon 5 today, and it makes me a sad panda :( Now I want the rest of the series... aaah I'd forgotten just how awesome the B5 characters all are except Sinclair... since his actor can't act worth shit. Londo... oooh Londo ♥ you have, and always will be, my favourite character. He's so damn awesome.

Now the dilemma of 'how to get the rest of the series on DVD' I see that Amazon has seasons 2 - 5 pretty cheap, and I'm tempted to get them there, but I don't have a credit card -pouts- Then I could pay a little more and get them from the shops. So... do I get them online (where I'd have to use someone else's credit card) or suck it up and pay double from the shops? D:

I really mainly want seasons 3 and 4... since they were the best... but there are some really good plots in season 2 ♥ not to mention that Sheridan is awesome and full of win... but then Marcus in season 3 & 4 is full of so much win \o/

At least I have season 1 of SeaChange to keep me out of trouble for a while >.>;;;;

babylon 5, ozzy so needs a credit card

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