(no subject)

Jul 16, 2009 09:53

So I'm definitely sick. I was hoping it was just due to exhaustion since I was so damn tired after the 7 hour drive on Sunday. I thought I was getting better regardless of the scratchiness in my throat, but today there's no doubt that I'm getting something. I just hope that it won't be that same throat cold that I had back in March. I lost my voice for half a day because of that but that didn't stop me from trying to talk.

Now I have the decision of either:

A) Staying home again today to let my body rest (I've been doing that all week since I've been feeling pretty crappy and lightheaded.


B) Forcing myself out to do a few things that aren't urgent.

At the moment I might be leaning more towards option A just because I don't like really driving when my head's all cloudy and dizzy. I mean I could walk to where I want to go, but walking for 45 mins in 30+ weather isn't always that great to do when your head just wants to continuously spin.

In other news:

I've gotten back into the mood to making icons. Although I felt so out of practice yesterday since it took me all day to finish off one -points up to new icon being used- Granted, it was the problem of 'adding text' that really was the reason why I got stuck since the rest of the icon only took me an hour or so to actually complete. Man! Why do I keep doing the whole 'text' thing to myself. I know that it's always the thing that throws me off and puts me in a bind, and I keep thinking 'oh, I'll do my next one without text' then what do I do? The next bloody icon I make feels like it should have text in it =_=;;

-kicks text based icons-

Hmm oh, did I mention my severe disappointment when it comes to the Shaman King series? There I was happily reading the chapters and it was getting to the point where Yoh and co were halfway through the Patch Tribe in order to go and stop Hao.... and then... it just.... ends. As in 'completed', dropped, never going to be friggin' picked up again and leaving us ALL disappointed and wanting more -cries- it was so damn EVIL! Why go through 32 volumes (285) chapters of a plot and get so damn close to the end of the plot and decide to drop a series? Like, I can understand if it was only a few books into it, but come oooooooooon -whines pathetically-

So yes... I'm very disappointed in the series.

I did get to read the Suikoden V anthology manga though.... aaaah it made me giggle so much ♥ (speaking of Suikoden, it seems that Konami has licensed another Suikoden title which makes me squee fangirlishly - I'm so friggin' happy that there will be another Suiko game ♥ That reminds me, I also still need to finish Tierkreis >.>)

Also... I'm debating whether or not to change my mood theme... I've got one already made (finished it months ago) but I'm finding it difficult to give up my PoT mood-theme :( but I also don't want the other one to go to waste either since I made it specially -sighs- maybe I should give it a go for a few weeks, and if it feels too weird, then I'll change it back... since I do so totally adore the PoT mood-theme.

-changes mood theme-

suikoden, ozzy feels sick, icons, rl, shaman king disappointments

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