
Jul 02, 2008 11:23

I finished watching Tactics last night... OMG! IT WAS SO DEPRESSING!! Episodes 22 - 24 were depressing for one reason -will not give away spoilers- and then when the last episode started playing... they threw a friggin' curve ball at you which made it even more sad and depressing!

sora_ishida I finally know why you cried in the last episode T___T I was ( Read more... )

diablo 2 stole my soul again, tactics waaaaaaai

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sora_ishida July 2 2008, 11:02:55 UTC
And I didn't even like that character - AND had already spoiled myself by reading about that on the Tactics wiki, and I still cried! D: I want to read the manga, though~ I picked up the first one last year at AVCon on Sunday afternoon when there was a sale, but still haven't read it. Apparently "that character" is not in the manga at all, and was created purely for the TV series.

Oh, and I went and watched the D3 previews cause of your squeeing over them, and it does look mighty nice! Seems they've taken a few of the best WoW features into it too. I played D2 a bit, but never got that far. I was also still on dial-up in those days, and eh...online play was just nasty. I occasionally played at my friend's house, particularly on that crazy wtf cow level XD I might pick it up again when I get home and see if I can brush up on a bit of it before D3 comes out. Seems from the gameplay demos that it might be useful/fun to have a bit of prior knowledge of the plot/characters from the past. XD


ozzypoos July 2 2008, 12:35:50 UTC
No neither did I which surprised the hell out of me :O! hehe I didn't spoil it so I had no idea what was going on at first... and then I was like... OH!!!! -sobs- >.>;;;;;; Hmm I've got too many manga series going atm to collect yet another one... but I might give it a read in the bookstore next time I go and see my parents XDD Eh? Really? 'that character' isn't in it? Damn them for doing it to us then -shakes fist at anime creators-

Oooh hehe! Well I'll never say no to another D2/3 player XDD online playing is so much more fun than offline-single player =\ Dial-up would have been nasty to try and play on >.> my net's shaped atm and that's bad enough lulz fortunately it's still fast enough to let me play online >.> oooooh! Well I'm sure that I'll still be able to play it hopefully when I head overseas. If you do end up joining the online fun~ create an account on the US/East server :D That's what my account is with (since all the people I play online with are always with East). Maybe we can run through the quests and whatnot together ( ... )


sora_ishida July 2 2008, 14:32:39 UTC
Yeah, I know, I played WoW a little a couple years ago (though never payed for it, yay for playing during Beta and nice friends) and I play Ragnarok Online whenever I feel the need to mindlessly slay critters, but D3 looks preeeeeetty~ I went to browse the forum of the gaming group I'm kind of in earlier today, and they're looking to set up a huge LAN to play through D3 all together when it comes out - and maybe even setting up one to play D2 over again as well. I might go along to that though I'd probably need to go buy a legit copy of D2 first, >.> ooooh, it's pretty cheap @ the online store, too. That'd be fun, though, if I could play online with you! :D Gaming with friends FTW!

EDIT: And yes, I am back soon! Sunday night, in fact!


ozzypoos July 2 2008, 18:26:33 UTC
hehe I've only ever seen WoW been played and I've never played it myself -pouts then ponders- although knowing me I would grow bored of the game after a week and never play it again... I've so got a short attentions pan =_=;; hehe!! I actually squeed when they showd Deckard Cain in the trailer... squeed over an old man! Then was like... 'HOMFG WHAT'S THAT IN THE BACKGROUND?! OMG OMG I BET WE HAVE TO FIGHT THAT LATER! :O!!' ...and was right when they showed us the snippet of a boss battle later >.> but I looove the look of the Witch Doctor and the fact that you can have both male and female characters for each class :D ooooh! Lan parties are always so much damn fun! I often have them with my brother with SC and WCIII XDD He's not that much of a Diablo fan though =_=;; yeah getting a real one might help a smidgen :D ANd we definitely need to play online!! Whoo!! I'm way too excited over this

Wai Sunday?! That's both so soon and fantastic!!! :D


sora_ishida July 2 2008, 18:35:02 UTC
But your excitement is contagious! Guess what I just did an hour ago? Got meself a Blizzard account I did!

Yeah, the Witch Doctor looks awesome!

See, in WoW, I actually found the guild/party stuff to be not so exiting for me (maybe I just wasn't high enough level that the quests lost their appeal and raiding involved less dying). I had the most fun running around doing as many quests as I could fill my Quest Log with. I loooooove questing~ I might go back to WoW someday, but I promised myself I'd wait until Xmas at least before going on it again, it's rather addictive. I'll use my 10 day free trial then, and see if I still want to play it XD The sad thing is I'd have to remake all my characters, since my high level ones were on my friend's acct, and I don't think he plays any more. But I love having heaps of charas - at least one of each race and one of each job type :D (I tend to do that a lot - and likely will in D2/3, I like to try out eeeeeverything)


ozzypoos July 2 2008, 18:42:15 UTC
Woo for excitement!!! I love spreading the love XDD OMG! You did?! That's friggin' awesome... I'm like... currently forcing myself not to play D2 atm... I started building a Necromancer a few hours ago. I always start building them then get distracted by another class, but this time I'm going to stick with him! /poses/

The WD totally does, and I'd be stuck to if I'd want the awesome male or the sexy female version D: since they both look great.

oooh yeah saaame!! I love doing the quests to be honest, but all of the people I play with online like to do it to 'get the highest level' or 'get the best equipment' =_= I much prefer to do a good chunk of leveling and do the plot as well >_> Aww I hate it when you lose your characters! Sounds like a good idea with the 10 day trial thing XD (Hey nothing wrong with that! I think I might actually build up a Paladin after my Summonnancer :D )

I think I squee every time I see that icon of Mura ♥ -uses Yuuri icon to make OTP-


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