I finished watching Tactics last night... OMG! IT WAS SO DEPRESSING!! Episodes 22 - 24 were depressing for one reason -will not give away spoilers- and then when the last episode started playing... they threw a friggin' curve ball at you which made it even more sad and depressing!
sora_ishida I finally know why you cried in the last episode T___T I was
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Comments 11
Oh, and I went and watched the D3 previews cause of your squeeing over them, and it does look mighty nice! Seems they've taken a few of the best WoW features into it too. I played D2 a bit, but never got that far. I was also still on dial-up in those days, and eh...online play was just nasty. I occasionally played at my friend's house, particularly on that crazy wtf cow level XD I might pick it up again when I get home and see if I can brush up on a bit of it before D3 comes out. Seems from the gameplay demos that it might be useful/fun to have a bit of prior knowledge of the plot/characters from the past. XD
Oooh hehe! Well I'll never say no to another D2/3 player XDD online playing is so much more fun than offline-single player =\ Dial-up would have been nasty to try and play on >.> my net's shaped atm and that's bad enough lulz fortunately it's still fast enough to let me play online >.> oooooh! Well I'm sure that I'll still be able to play it hopefully when I head overseas. If you do end up joining the online fun~ create an account on the US/East server :D That's what my account is with (since all the people I play online with are always with East). Maybe we can run through the quests and whatnot together ( ... )
EDIT: And yes, I am back soon! Sunday night, in fact!
Wai Sunday?! That's both so soon and fantastic!!! :D
And ZOMG!! When is the final Junjou episode coming out?! T__T
i wish season 2 would come soon~ *__* i'm pretty sure i read somewhere that it's going to have 24 epps. altho i know im not supposed to hope, seeing how most BL animes never seem to get past 13 epps XDDD (some didn't even make it to more than one! O__O) but the later chaps of Junjou Egoist were just so soooo adorable. T__T id really love to see it get animated~
Saaaaame!! They better not be lying with the whole 24 episodes thing T__T that would be sad! I so want to see more of the Terrorist pairing as well! A whole two episodes dedicated to them is not enough T____T I hate how most BL animes are always so damn short D:
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