
Jul 02, 2008 11:23

I finished watching Tactics last night... OMG! IT WAS SO DEPRESSING!! Episodes 22 - 24 were depressing for one reason -will not give away spoilers- and then when the last episode started playing... they threw a friggin' curve ball at you which made it even more sad and depressing!

sora_ishida I finally know why you cried in the last episode T___T I was ( Read more... )

diablo 2 stole my soul again, tactics waaaaaaai

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Comments 11

sora_ishida July 2 2008, 11:02:55 UTC
And I didn't even like that character - AND had already spoiled myself by reading about that on the Tactics wiki, and I still cried! D: I want to read the manga, though~ I picked up the first one last year at AVCon on Sunday afternoon when there was a sale, but still haven't read it. Apparently "that character" is not in the manga at all, and was created purely for the TV series.

Oh, and I went and watched the D3 previews cause of your squeeing over them, and it does look mighty nice! Seems they've taken a few of the best WoW features into it too. I played D2 a bit, but never got that far. I was also still on dial-up in those days, and eh...online play was just nasty. I occasionally played at my friend's house, particularly on that crazy wtf cow level XD I might pick it up again when I get home and see if I can brush up on a bit of it before D3 comes out. Seems from the gameplay demos that it might be useful/fun to have a bit of prior knowledge of the plot/characters from the past. XD


ozzypoos July 2 2008, 12:35:50 UTC
No neither did I which surprised the hell out of me :O! hehe I didn't spoil it so I had no idea what was going on at first... and then I was like... OH!!!! -sobs- >.>;;;;;; Hmm I've got too many manga series going atm to collect yet another one... but I might give it a read in the bookstore next time I go and see my parents XDD Eh? Really? 'that character' isn't in it? Damn them for doing it to us then -shakes fist at anime creators-

Oooh hehe! Well I'll never say no to another D2/3 player XDD online playing is so much more fun than offline-single player =\ Dial-up would have been nasty to try and play on >.> my net's shaped atm and that's bad enough lulz fortunately it's still fast enough to let me play online >.> oooooh! Well I'm sure that I'll still be able to play it hopefully when I head overseas. If you do end up joining the online fun~ create an account on the US/East server :D That's what my account is with (since all the people I play online with are always with East). Maybe we can run through the quests and whatnot together ( ... )


sora_ishida July 2 2008, 14:32:39 UTC
Yeah, I know, I played WoW a little a couple years ago (though never payed for it, yay for playing during Beta and nice friends) and I play Ragnarok Online whenever I feel the need to mindlessly slay critters, but D3 looks preeeeeetty~ I went to browse the forum of the gaming group I'm kind of in earlier today, and they're looking to set up a huge LAN to play through D3 all together when it comes out - and maybe even setting up one to play D2 over again as well. I might go along to that though I'd probably need to go buy a legit copy of D2 first, >.> ooooh, it's pretty cheap @ the online store, too. That'd be fun, though, if I could play online with you! :D Gaming with friends FTW!

EDIT: And yes, I am back soon! Sunday night, in fact!


ozzypoos July 2 2008, 18:26:33 UTC
hehe I've only ever seen WoW been played and I've never played it myself -pouts then ponders- although knowing me I would grow bored of the game after a week and never play it again... I've so got a short attentions pan =_=;; hehe!! I actually squeed when they showd Deckard Cain in the trailer... squeed over an old man! Then was like... 'HOMFG WHAT'S THAT IN THE BACKGROUND?! OMG OMG I BET WE HAVE TO FIGHT THAT LATER! :O!!' ...and was right when they showed us the snippet of a boss battle later >.> but I looove the look of the Witch Doctor and the fact that you can have both male and female characters for each class :D ooooh! Lan parties are always so much damn fun! I often have them with my brother with SC and WCIII XDD He's not that much of a Diablo fan though =_=;; yeah getting a real one might help a smidgen :D ANd we definitely need to play online!! Whoo!! I'm way too excited over this

Wai Sunday?! That's both so soon and fantastic!!! :D


madamada_chan July 4 2008, 18:23:36 UTC
ahhh... Tactics. i was more disappointed than depressed with the ending. because~ even after that many epps, i still know next to nothing about Kan-chan!! T___T i would've wanted to know more about his past, the source of his powers, etc... ah, but there was none. it was a little too focused on Haruka and the Suzu who i didn't really like much either :p


ozzypoos July 4 2008, 22:50:57 UTC
Hmm yeah it was a little annoying how they didn't explain anything about Kantarou's background. I think the most annoying thing was how they didn't explain how he got that scar across his chest, or why it reacted in the way that it did. I'm not sure whether the manga would explain it, but yeah, I think the anime should have at least mentioned something more than just 'oh it reacts when they're nearby' sort'a deal.

And ZOMG!! When is the final Junjou episode coming out?! T__T


madamada_chan July 4 2008, 23:03:04 UTC
raw's out. but no signs of Hiroki anywhere T_____T so yeah. im not gonna bother to wait for the sub XD

i wish season 2 would come soon~ *__* i'm pretty sure i read somewhere that it's going to have 24 epps. altho i know im not supposed to hope, seeing how most BL animes never seem to get past 13 epps XDDD (some didn't even make it to more than one! O__O) but the later chaps of Junjou Egoist were just so soooo adorable. T__T id really love to see it get animated~


ozzypoos July 4 2008, 23:07:17 UTC
Yeah it's about Usami, Misaki and his brother isn't it? they're my favourite pairing even though Hiroki's my favourite character >_>

Saaaaame!! They better not be lying with the whole 24 episodes thing T__T that would be sad! I so want to see more of the Terrorist pairing as well! A whole two episodes dedicated to them is not enough T____T I hate how most BL animes are always so damn short D:


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