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May 09, 2008 20:45

Ack! I feel slightly nauseated =\ Jia and I ended up watching Cloverfield finally tonight, and all I can say is that I'm really glad that I didn't see it at the cinema since I started feeling sick towards the end of it =_=;;; It wasn't too bad of a movie though, and I did enjoy it even if I would have so totally abandoned and told that friggin' Rob to f*ck off and get his head out of his ass. I wouldn't ever watch it again though, but it was worth watching that one time ^o^

Hmm what else? Oh!! Chrissy arrived back in Adelaide yesterday, yay~~ although she's not here for as long as I thought she would be and she'll be heading back up to Canberra at the end of the month =_=;; but that's alright since I'll get a good 3 - 4 weeks to catch up with her ♥ Well, not next week anyway since we're both going away - She's off to Mt. Gambier for a week (lucky! I haven't been there in years!) chibi_nataku that's where we went to see the Blue Lake and that sink hole garden thingy on our road trip from Adelaide to Melbourne :D

Speaking of Melbourne. I'm heading over there Thursday next week, yay! I'm leaving Thursday afternoon and arriving early evening in Melbourne. We're staying at the YHA hostel in the CBD area again so that will be good ^o^ I managed to get my US consulate appointment for the US tourist VISA on Friday the 16th. It's at 8:15 in the morning that day, and I'd have to actually get there at 7:45am at the latest... so yeah... early morning for that =\ but that's alright~ at least it will get it over and done with asap and Charlie and I can go out and shop and explore... we'll have to discuss whether we do the Game On thing on the Friday, or if we leave it for the Saturday and go shopping on the Friday instead. We don't have too much time in Melbourne, since we fly out of there around 9pm and have to be on the bus to the airport by 7:40pm. It's a decent amount of time, and since we're going to be there on Saturday now, I hope that there will be time to catch up with mai yume2x1 for a few hours or whatnot ♥

So yeah. It will be a busy week ahead which will be good, and once I get it over and done with, all I'll have to do is wait to hear back to whether I got the US tourist VISA or not... hopefully I'll be able to get it since it will make things rather inconvenient if I get rejected =\ although I can't see why if I've repeatedly been granted access into the country on the VISA-waver program many times over the past 7 years >_>;;; hopefully that will work in my favour ^^;;

Once I get that stress out of the way all I've got left to do is:

- Wait for my exam timetable to be released
- Book flight over to either the US or directly to Canada (depending on both exam schedule and if I get the US VISA or not) and travel insurance
- Put in an application to defer my university course for a year
- cancel my phone line
- cancel my net connection (both that and the phone line will be done as late as possible >_>
- ermz... STUFF! that I can't think of at this point in time but know that I've got to do

So the list isn't too bad since I'm pretty much on top of things (which I'm happy about). It's just the matter of it being a waiting game now. Besides I've got a number of things I've got to prepare before my interview in Melbourne next week such as banking documents, living documents, passports, photos, payments, envelopes, application and a few other things. I've done most of those things, but I still have to pay for the application and get a receipt for that. I've got the envelope, done the photos, filled in the application, but the documents I'll still have to finish collecting... and it might help printing out my Letter of Introduction for my Canadian VISA so then they know that's where I'm heading. Apart from those things... I don't think there's anything else that I need.

Gah! VISA applications are never easy... especially when you've got to go through this whole process twice =\ at least I can hopefully get the US VISA valid for the next 5 years which will be really helpful for when I go and visit my parents ^o^

Anyway! onto other more exciting topics! I've seriously been addicted to watching The Chaser's War on Everything. HOMG! This show is seriously full of so much lul and love ♥ I can't believe some of the shit these guys get up to... aaah how much I love Australian TV ♥

I can't think of anything else to write atm aaaaand I sort'a wanna watch another episode of The Chaser's War on Everything >_____>

chrissy's full of awesome, the chaser, homg are the visas done yet?, melbourne ftw, gah! cloverfield = nauseated

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