US Travel Update

Apr 15, 2008 17:01

Gah! I finally got out of Las Vegas and in to Seattle this morning... we were meant to arrive in Seattle around 10am, but due to 'technical difficulties' we had to change route in flight and land in San Fran... so after adding an unplanned stop-over, we finally flew into Seattle at midday.

Anyway! My 22 hours in Las Vegas was awesome! We flew in to the city, and after dropping our bags off at our room in Ceasars Palace, dad, my brother and two sisters went down to the gun range to fire off a gun each. Dad was hanging out to fire off his beloved Thompson Machine Gun not to mention the fact that it was one of the two reasons we went there, and picked that gun to fire. My youngest sister picked the MP40 to fire, Jennifer picked the AK47 while my brother went with two different varieties with the AK47 and the MP5. I, of course, picked the one and only Uzi 9mm to fire off at the range. HOMG! I don't like guns, but it was pretty exciting to fire off that sub-machine gun ♥ It was pretty easy to handle as well - even if they gave me a dud-Uzi to begin with that kept jamming and had to change it over to one that actually worked. The second one worked a charm though and I fired off 50 rounds at my target. I managed to shoot my dude twice in the right eyebrow, once in the eyeball, and twice in the upper cheek. The rest went all down the body and no where near the body. Dad was rather impressed with my effort ;D

After that we went around the various casinos (even betting on the slot machines which I came out a whole 47 US cents richer!) before heading off with my dad and cousin Ben to the Cirque Du Soleil Beatles show 'Love'. That was fantastic and I'm realy glad that I decided to go and see it with them. It was totally worth seeing ♥

We're off to Pies and Pints tonight for dinner before we head out for our dress fitting at 8pm - whoo? I'm not looking forward to that too much, but there's no getting out of it =_=;; I don't know the next time I'll be able to get on to the net again next, but yeah~ I'll update when I can ^_^

gun range, las vegas, seattle, uzi 9mm, usa

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