First Entry

Dec 04, 2005 12:49

Well Im new here. I only signed up last night...Jenny one of my friends here in Switzerland also has an account here, and so she got me into it. Hopefully I use it more than the other sites that I am signed onto. i usually get bored of them after a while, and since I dont have access to the internet on a regular basis I forget to go onto the sites to check them out.

So a little about me....I am 19 years old, Australian, whom is currently in Switzerland working as an Au-Pair.

So whats been happening....Well last night I went to Aarau (I think that is how you spell it?) with Jenny. We went there to look for this wine, however it wasnt there last instead we went to a pub and had some sparkling tasted pretty good actually, and then we went to a cheaper bar and had another drink. We like the cheaper bars....Us Au-pairs are pretty poor people in general...LOL....

I stayed at Jennys last night, but then I had to leave early LOL...she kicked me out...Well not really....I was glad to not be at home....and I like Jenny and her host family, so its cool to hang out there...We made toasted sandwiches for dinner....YUMMY and cheap.

I am currently in Zurich, and meeting upw ith another Au-pair whom has only been here for 2 months and is already going home....Pretty sad actually. She has not such a good family, which is sad, but if she is not happy then she should go home, and then she gets to spend Christmas with her family...Very cool. I would love to spend Christmas with my family....because I havent had Christmas there for a few years....but oh well Im in Switzerland....COOL :)

Anyways enough for now...Internet in Zurich is expencive...

Ok ciao


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