Title: The Only Apocalypse That Matters
Fandom: SGA
Rating: R for the horror
Word Count: 591
Warning: HORROR
Summary: Atlantis has faced many disasters, but this one may be the one that ends it
John found Rodney on a balcony standing in the rain. He looked shockingly frail, thinner than usual. Was he losing weight already?
"Rodney, don't do this," John said, laying a hand on his shoulder.
Rodney turned, and he did look thin, his cheeks almost hollow, and dark circles under his eyes. John flinched. He should have been able to stop this. Some how, some way, he should have prevented this disaster.
"I can't, John. I just can't." He looked absolutely defeated.
"C'mon, buddy, come inside."
John tried to tug Rodney toward the door, but Rodney stayed put, rain drops flowing down his face like tears.
"We're done for. I've had the science department on the problem for weeks with no results. We're not going to survive this." Rodney turned his face up to the sky and shouted, "And it's my fault!"
John grabbed Rodney by the shoulders and gave him a hard shake. "Snap out of it! The Daedalus will be here soon! They'll have what we need to survive!"
"It'll be too late! More and more of us are in the infirmary looking for relief. Fights have broken out. Ronon and Teyla have been sent to New Athos for their own safety." Rodney lowered his voice, "I had to confine Zelenka to his quarters. He accused me of hoarding and nearly started a riot in the labs. The greatest minds in two galaxies being reduced to savagery, and there's nothing Carson or anyone else can do about it."
John could feel his own sense of futility creeping over him. His shoulders drooped, and his head bowed. They weren't going to survive this time. Their luck had finally run out. Who knew that something so simple, yet so vital, would spell the end of the Atlantis expedition?
"No!" John yelled. He grabbed Rodney and shook him again. "We're not giving up. Do you hear me, Rodney? We're not giving up! We can hang in there for one more week until the Daedalus arrives. We've lived through worse disasters than this."
"No," Rodney said, brokenly, "we haven't."
There was something in his face that made John draw back, dread colder than the falling rain freezing his insides.
"What? What is it?"
Rodney turned away and gripped the balcony rail. "The supply lines... "
John felt frozen to the spot. "No."
Rodney nodded. "Yes. The requisition forms never went through."
John threw his head back and screamed at the heavens. He felt Rodney's arm go around him, pulling him in. Leaning against Rodney's side, John looked for comfort and found none. This was truly the worst disaster they had ever faced. "Why?" he whispered. "How."
"I'd like to think it was sabotage, but it was simple stupidity. A bureaucratic snafu. Everyone had thought someone else had placed the order. We didn't realize our mistake until the Daedalus was already on its way back to Earth. Then we tried to fix the problem, but all of us sent in conflicting requisition orders."
"So we're getting nothing."
Rodney nodded. "Not a drop."
"How are we going to tell them?" John shuddered, picturing the faces of the people of Atlantis once they found out.
"Oh, we won't," Rodney said. "Let Caldwell do it. He's at least half the problem. Let him take the blame."
They shared a mean little smile. Atlantis was sliding into chaos, but in one week they would be united against a common enemy. When Caldwell arrived without coffee, they would stand together. If Atlantis was going down, they were taking the Daedalus with them.
This little thing came to me after
trillingstar shared this survivalist tip with me.
Click to view
I'm not usually into RPS, but I totally slash these guys! *g*
See, I really like apocalypse stuff, so
trillingstar occasionally enables sends me stuff like this. Once I started digging around, I found a vid where they show you how to make coffee without a coffee pot. And other useful tips. If you really want to know:
https://www.youtube.com/user/CrazyRussianHacker?feature=watch Stopping now, because this thing is getting longer than the ficlet.
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http://ozsaur.dreamwidth.org/116394.html. Please comment there using