rarewomen author,
Hi! I want to start out by saying thank you so much for writing a story for me (and apologizing for the delay in getting my letter posted). Whatever you come up with I'm going to love, so don't stress on the details. I'm going to leave a few ideas/likes & dislikes below, but if you already have a plot bunny of your own, by all means, go with that. Any story featuring one of these awesome ladies is going to delight me.
Very generally, here are a few things I love: slice of life stories, banter, coming of age tales, adventure stories, introspective character studies, gothic/horror undertones, romance, smartasses, people who are uber confident and people who are uber insecure, and dark, complicated adult relationships-all good. I also have a huge thing for travel themes, family dynamics (including found families), and all manner of tropes (forced to share a bed, etc.). I don't have a preference when it comes to tone: fluff, angst, humor, something in between-whatever direction your muse takes you in, go for it. Likewise, I enjoy het, friendship fics and, in the cases where noted, femslash. I'm not a fan of total AUs (everyone lives on a space station now!), but that being said, if you want to break out a zombie apocalypse AU for any of these fandoms, I am cool with that. ;)
Things I'm not a fan of: non-con/dub-con, self harm, character/ship bashing, super kinky sex (sex is awesome, but if it includes accessories, I tend to turn red and bail), and crackiness (bodyswapping, etc.).
Now onwards to the fandoms:
Characters: Michelle, Talia, Truly, Milly, Fanny, Sasha, Boo, Ginny, Mel, Cozette
Don't panic, I'm in no way expecting you to work all ten of these characters into one story, but I adore every last one of them, so whichever lady we matched on, I'm going to be ecstatic to read fic for. Here are a few ideas, but seriously, if you make
Bunheads fic happen, you are a champion among fangirls:
Michelle: Pre- series anything. Give me Talia and Michelle running amuck in Vegas, or Michelle and Scotty doing anything ever. Explore her early interactions with Hubbell or delve into her issues with her mom. If pre-series doesn't appeal to you, then anything that involves Michelle and the girls (particularly Sasha or Ginny), or Michelle and Fanny will be amazing. Shipping wise, I don't have a proper Michelle ship (although I would not be opposed to a Boston married Michelle/Talia situation with the two of them raising Talia's future baby), but if I did, it would be Michelle/Conor (Chris Eigman's character from "Blank up, It's Time").
Truly & Milly: Truly is the most delightfully odd character I've ever encountered, and it amuses me to no end that her sister is Milly. How does their relationship work? What was the Hubbell situation like for them? They have other sisters, are they secretly each other's favorite? Basically, what is their deal? Also great, would be more Truly, Michelle and Talia shenanigans, perhaps with Milly along for the ride? Or either lady hanging with Fanny.
Fanny: Fanny smacks of cool. I'd love to see something focusing on her young, dancing days, but I'm equally fascinated by her dynamic with Michelle. Given how screwed up Michelle's relationship with her mom is, it's interesting to see her developing a mother/daughter dynamic with Fanny. Likewise, Fanny + any of her younger charges would be perfection.
Sasha: GAH. THIS GIRL. Sasha breaks my heart on the regular. If we matched on Sasha, I'm not going to give you any direction. Tell me the Sasha story you've always wanted to tell, whatever that may be, and whoever it involves. (I ship Boo/Sasha, but if you want to go canon with Sasha/Roman, or if you have a pet Sasha ship, go for it.)
Boo, Mel, Sasha, Ginny: How did they meet? How long have they been friends? I'd love to see an exploration of the ways in which they fit together, either pre-series, canonically, or stretching into the future.
Cozette: I'll admit it; I'm enamored with this girl. She's like this magical hipster, who sprung forth fully formed from a French New Wave film. I want to know what makes her tick, and I want to know what percent of her persona is carefully crafted and what percent is genuine. What's her backstory? Why is she so close to her brother?
Also, if you can find a way to integrate her into the primary group, I will love you forever. (And I totally ship her with all of the girls, but especially Mel, Ginny, and Sasha.)
Switched at Birth
Characters: Bay, Daphne, Regina, Kathryn
I am obsessed with the mother/daughter dynamics on this show. The ways in which Daphne, Bay, Regina and Kathryn have to navigate each other are fascinating, and as much as I love the show, I want more of everything. I want to know how Regina lived with the decision to keep the switch to herself all those years. I want more insight into Kathryn's point of view. I want Daphne bonding with Kathryn and Bay bonding with Regina and vice versa. Just basically mothers and daughters and de facto sisters and how they fit, how they make a family.
Additionally, I find myself constantly imagining what Bay's future is going to look like. There's just so much internal conflict going on with her all the time and she's always battling with the feeling that she doesn't quite belong anywhere. It makes me wonder where she'll end up. Shipping wise, I love Bay/Emmett and Bay/Ty, but I also have a huge yen for future Bay/Toby (I know, I know…but they are so in sync with each other, it does things to my soul). Non-romantic Bay and Toby fic is equally welcome, I just adore the dynamic between those kids.
James Bond
Characters: M, Moneypenny
I recently watched Skyfall for the first time and both of these women floored me with their awesome. I want to know everything about M. What were things like for her as an active female agent at a time when I'm sure female agents were a rarity? Show me M being competent and dangerous. Show me how she became the M in the movies. Alternatively, delve into her relationship with James. Did she see herself in him? Someone she loved?
As for Moneypenny…I don't even know what I want specifically, I just know that she is a FLAWLESS human being. I'd love to see her post-movie, either working a job on her own or assisting Bond (and pawning him), or interacting with Q (who I incidentally ship her hardcore with).
Characters: Fiona, Debbie, Veronica, Karen
Shameless is my favorite show on television, and it has earned that title for two reasons: its crazy/beautiful family dynamics and its amazing female characters. As far as epic characters go, I think Fiona is in a league of her own. Her determination, her endless capacity to love, her guardedness, her self-sacrifice, her fuck you attitude-she is stunning and she routinely crushes my soul.
I'd love a slice of life piece either set sometime pre-series or now that explores what makes Fiona tick. Did she ever feel like she had a choice when it came to holding her family together? How did she meet Vi? What is a day in the life of Fiona like?
Then there's Debbie. Oh man, Debbie. This girl is so tough and so gentlehearted at the same time. What's life like for her as the only other Gallagher girl? Does she ever feel like she's living in Fi's shadow? What does she want her future to look like?
I'd love to see her having a special day out with Fiona, just the two of them. Any Fiona & Debbie bonding time would be much appreciated.
Which brings me to Veronica, who is so brash and funny and such an amazing friend-we don't get to see things from her POV very often, so anything from friendship fic to fic dealing with her relationship with Kev would be lovely.
Finally, Karen. I have never encountered a female character like Karen before. I'm unlocking my season two review post because I basically had a Karen (and Karen/Lip) feelings explosion in that sucker. It's
here. I'm curious about what Karen has been up too since she left, but honestly anything will do (just please don't woobify her).
A note on ships/other characters: Karen/Lip and Vi/Kev are givens. Fiona/Jimmy has always been my OTP, but I'm incredibly frustrated with Jimmy right now. Still, their mess of relationship will always have a hold on me, so feel free to examine that particular wreck if you feel so inclined.
Also, any and all other Gallaghers are welcome. They're a package deal, after all.
Downton Abbey
Characters: Edith, Anna, Gwen, Sybil
I enjoy Downton Abbey, but in the cases of Edith, Anna, and Sybil I feel like the show just enjoys torturing them (and us). What I want more than anything is happiness for these ladies. Give Sybil a better ending. Set Edith free from the confines of Downton and her sisters' shadows. Allow Anna to be happy, either with Bates or without.
As for Gwen, I just miss her like crazy. What's her life like now? Does she stay in touch with anyone at Downton? Does she know about Sybil's death? Another option would be an AU where Lady Sybil and Gwen ran away together to London to live happily ever after (or as close to happy as they could get).
Friendship fic between any of these ladies would be awesome too. Feel free to bring in any other characters you wish. I'm particularly fond of the arc where Thomas and Sybil bonded during the war, and I've also been enamored with the idea of an Edith and Thomas friendship since they shared that dance, but I love everyone, so just draft in whoever you like the best.
Marvel (Comics)
Characters: Gert, Molly
I don't read a lot of comics, but if they were all like The Runaways, I would read a stack a day. The way Vaughn pulled off telling such a layered teen story in the Marvelverse will never stop impressing me. I love every single one of those kids, but Gert and Molly hold a special place in my heart.
Gert with her snark and insecurities just slays me. I'd like to see a better ending for her (or maybe an exploration of the timeline where she's leading The Avengers-or maybe a current timeline where she comes back from the dead and gets drafted by the team), but I'd be just as happy with a story set within the canon that we never saw. If you want to go shippy, I ship Gert/Chase like crazy.
Molly! Her adorableness knows no bounds, and neither does her badassery. I'd like to see some sort of coming of age story for Molly, but really as long as she's being funny and fearless and stubborn, I'm down for anything. I think she pops up in other comics from time to time now, and while I'm not as plugged into the comics world as I should be, if you are and want to bring in other Marvel characters she has interacted with that works for me too.
Thank you again for writing for me! <333