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Re: together in the dark (2/2)-Richard/Miles, NC17- UST, sleep, clothes pann_cake April 13 2012, 20:36:32 UTC
Miles gives his hand a squeeze and gets up to move around the bed. As he settles in, Richard peels off his damp t-shirt, tossing it to the floor. Then he turns on his side to face Miles, and they lay there looking at each other for a few long moments.

Miles reaches up to touch Richard’s cheek with light fingers and Richard scoots a little closer, slips a hand under Miles’s shirt.

“I don’t really know what I’m doing here, Miles,” he admits.

Miles could take that to mean many things, but he knows it probably means all of them. “It’s okay,” he says truthfully. “I don’t either.”

When their mouths meet it’s soft, but not hesitant. Neither of them push too hard or too fast, just an easy roll of tongues and pressing lips. Miles slips his hand into Richard’s hair, holding him close as the kiss turns into something else, something deeper that blooms hot in Miles’s gut. Their hips slot together and they’re moving in a slow rhythm, dipping and sliding against each other.

Miles can feel Richard’s hardness through Richard’s thin pajama pants and his own cotton boxers. Richard’s hand slides lower, gripping Miles’s hip and guiding him in. Miles’s instinct is to hurry, to speed things up, but Richard’s hands keep him moving slow, easy, and he doesn’t want to break that. But he does need something more, so he hooks his fingers into Richard’s pants and tugs. Richard shimmies out of them, kicks them off the bed, and when he returns Miles throws one leg over Richard’s hip.

Richard coaxes Miles’s cock out through the slit in his boxers, and Miles realizes somewhere in the back of his mind that he’s still fully clothed while Richard is naked beside him. He can’t be bothered to fumble with them, so he goes with it, let’s Richard stroke him against the cotton of his shorts. Miles groans, pulls Richard closer, the back of his knee curling tight against Richard’s ass.

Richard’s breathing heavy against Miles’s ear, murmuring in a language Miles doesn’t recognize. Richard strokes them both in one hand and Miles shudders at the velvet hardness, the smooth push of skin on skin. His nails dig into Richard’s shoulder and he presses his mouth against Richard’s collarbone to stifle his moans when he comes.

Richard is right behind him, following him over the edge in a surge of heat and wetness across Miles’s belly. They lay there together, sticky and sweating and breathing hard, and Miles rests his forehead against Richard’s and closes his eyes.

Eventually they move, using Miles’s t-shirt to clean up and then falling, tired and boneless, under the sheets. They curl back together, facing each other again, and Richard leans in to give Miles one last, brief kiss.

They fall asleep that way, warm and safe and content. They dream, and neither of them have nightmares.


Re: together in the dark (2/2)-Richard/Miles, NC17- UST, sleep, clothes ozmissage April 16 2012, 18:42:56 UTC
THESE BOYS!!! Oh man, this is so insanely perfect and I just really needed this fic in my life. It's been too long since I read about Miles and Richard. I love every single bit of this: the nightmares, Miles tentatively reaching out to Richard and thinking that maybe they could give each other some comfort. And this line: Now, in this dark bedroom in the middle of the night, he’s just a man like Miles is, haunted by things he can’t change. Oh my god, woman, you are killing me. SO GOOD.

Thank you so much for this, I absolutely love it! <333


Re: together in the dark (2/2)-Richard/Miles, NC17- UST, sleep, clothes pann_cake April 16 2012, 18:56:31 UTC
<33333 I'M SO HAPPY YOU LIKED IT!! I miss these boys soo much, I HAD to write them for you!


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