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Comments 42

penny_lane_42 April 13 2012, 14:43:29 UTC
I love your long, long list of pairings. That's awesome.

And that BANNER. I don't even go here! But it is a compelling argument!


ozmissage April 16 2012, 18:35:50 UTC
I am almost embarrassed by how much I multi-ship. My list is always insane.

Lincoln! I don't go there anymore, but I will never get tired of that face. ;)


jaune_chat April 20 2012, 05:24:07 UTC
Are you sure? Because after that one episode two, three weeks ago, I have this really sexy plotbunny to write some Lincoln-on-Alt!Lincoln action.

Oh Five Acts, what a sexy web you weave.


together in the dark (1/2)-Richard/Miles, NC17- UST, sleep, clothes pann_cake April 13 2012, 20:36:02 UTC
(I know I said I wouldn't write til Monday, but I'm bad. XDD I could not resist the call of Richard/Miles! I hope you don't mind a little bit angst this time. Also I figured it was high time I wrote you some smut for 5 Acts, so there's that too. <3 ( ... )


Re: together in the dark (2/2)-Richard/Miles, NC17- UST, sleep, clothes pann_cake April 13 2012, 20:36:32 UTC
Miles gives his hand a squeeze and gets up to move around the bed. As he settles in, Richard peels off his damp t-shirt, tossing it to the floor. Then he turns on his side to face Miles, and they lay there looking at each other for a few long moments ( ... )


Re: together in the dark (2/2)-Richard/Miles, NC17- UST, sleep, clothes ozmissage April 16 2012, 18:42:56 UTC
THESE BOYS!!! Oh man, this is so insanely perfect and I just really needed this fic in my life. It's been too long since I read about Miles and Richard. I love every single bit of this: the nightmares, Miles tentatively reaching out to Richard and thinking that maybe they could give each other some comfort. And this line: Now, in this dark bedroom in the middle of the night, he’s just a man like Miles is, haunted by things he can’t change. Oh my god, woman, you are killing me. SO GOOD.

Thank you so much for this, I absolutely love it! <333


Re: together in the dark (2/2)-Richard/Miles, NC17- UST, sleep, clothes pann_cake April 16 2012, 18:56:31 UTC
<33333 I'M SO HAPPY YOU LIKED IT!! I miss these boys soo much, I HAD to write them for you!


zombie_boogie April 14 2012, 03:54:42 UTC
The moral of this post: Jon Snow is so much better when he is being boned by everyone (... you forgot Jon/Val, heh).


ozmissage April 16 2012, 18:45:45 UTC
TRUTH. Jon is my Game of Thrones fandom ketchup. I use him liberally and he makes everything taste better. ;)

For some reason, Val hasn't quite grabbed me. She's awesome, but she doesn't stick in my head the way some of the other side characters have. I think I'm going to need to see her in action on the show to form a connection with her.


sometimes jess sleeps with her roommates, pg - sleep, UST. ceridweyn_lin April 14 2012, 04:15:00 UTC

"Schmidt! I don't care how drunk you are, get out of my bed!"

"But you're so waaaaarm--"

"No! Move!"

two.Nick is a bartender. This means that he knows all the good drinking games and sometimes, he brings home free rum ( ... )


Re: sometimes jess sleeps with her roommates, pg - sleep, UST. ozmissage April 16 2012, 18:50:13 UTC
AWWW! This fic made me feel all warm and fuzzy. Spooning with Winston! Coach slipping into her room! Drunk Schmidt! FALLING ASLEEP ON NICK'S LAP! I LOVE ALL THE THINGS.

Thank you so much for this! <333


in from the rain (1/2) - Raylan/Lindsey, pg - weather, clothes norgbelulah April 14 2012, 15:53:28 UTC
Set right after the S3 finale. So, spoilers, sort of, for that ( ... )


Re: in from the rain (2/2) - Raylan/Lindsey, pg - weather, clothes norgbelulah April 14 2012, 15:54:04 UTC
She can tell how tired he is by how slow he takes the stairs. She pulls him up by his hand and his grip is as loose as hers is steady ( ... )


Re: in from the rain (2/2) - Raylan/Lindsey, pg - weather, clothes ozmissage April 16 2012, 18:59:11 UTC

This is a stunning coda to s3 and I swear you made me love Lindsey/Raylan even more than I already did. The imagery here is so evocative. I love the way you slip these little details about Lindsey in there too, like how owning a bar is a calling for her, not just a job.

Also this happened and I nearly spontaneously combusted:
Every inch of him is dripping. His tight, black t-shirt is stuck to him, the sheen of water reflecting colors from the neon signs she hasn’t yet turned off. He’s wearing a flannel shirt, unbuttoned, but it’s soaked through as well. When he looks down at the puddle he’s made on the floor, a tiny waterfall pours off the brim of his hat and onto her shoes.

Why can't we just make Raylan walk around soaking wet all the time? That should be a thing Yost should make happen for us. Gorgeous fic is gorgeous. Thank you so much for this! <333


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