BTVS/SPN Fic: Dean Winchester's Five Golden Rules For Dating The Slayer (Dean/Buffy)

Nov 27, 2010 15:26

Title: Dean Winchester’s Five Golden Rules For Dating The Slayer
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Supernatural
Pairing: Dean/Buffy
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 1,824
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: If anyone besides his tiny, bubbly, blonde date had just used a trashcan lid to slice off a vampire’s head, Dean would have been impressed.
A/N: Originally ( Read more... )

fic: buffy, crossover, fic: dean/buffy, fic: dean, fic: spn, fic: btvs

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Comments 8

avamclean November 28 2010, 22:48:57 UTC
Nicely done. I think I liked 4. Learn that evil is subjective. (Or the please don’t kill our friends policy.) the best because I can see Anya being freakishly good at poker. It involves money which is something she cherishes greatly.


ozmissage November 29 2010, 05:23:41 UTC
Thank you so much! Heh. I feel like Anya would be a kickass poker player. :)


valhalla37 November 30 2010, 19:33:44 UTC
Heehee, this is so awesome! Dean and Buffy make such an amazing pair, and you do their banter so well! I love the inclusion of Willow, Anya and the rest of the gang, too, and how Dean learns something from Buffy's more open-minded way of looking at things. And the ending -- hah! Perfection.


ozmissage December 1 2010, 03:32:15 UTC
Thank you so much! I was psyched when I got this assignment because I've been dying to write Buffy/Dean for ages. They're like my crossover OTP. :D


dulcedeusex December 6 2010, 15:23:10 UTC
I've been in the SPN fandom for the longest time (a very obsessed year) and this is merely the third or fourth fic that has managed to effortlessly sell this pairing to me... so great job girl!

One hour later, Dean feels his soul die as Buffy sweet talks the band into playing their ironic cover of the Macarena for the third time. Even though Mr. Pointy is tucked safely away in Buffy’s purse, Dean can feel it mocking him from the dance floor.

-- LOL, so well-written it felt like canon.

“We don’t appreciate that tone, young man,” Willow says. And she’s not even joking. Buffy’s friends have issues.

“We’re just dating. Which is weirder for me than it is for her by the way.”

“Cause you’re kind of slutty?” Willow asks.

“Wow, okay. This conversation is going to a weird place.”

“Definitely slutty,” Xander says. “And big on the avoidance. We’re keeping our eyes on you Dean Winchester, all four of them.”-- THIS. THIS! THIS!!!! I frigging love you for this! I miss this so much ( ... )


ozmissage December 8 2010, 22:01:03 UTC
Aww, thank you! I'm so glad you liked it. Dean/Buffy is just one of those things the universe needs to make actually happen. They work so well together, it's crazy.


rince1wind February 2 2011, 15:24:51 UTC
Very funny! "She pushes his back roughly against the nearest crypt" -- love it.


ozmissage February 2 2011, 23:00:08 UTC
Thank you so much! :)


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