Lost Fic: Claimed (Kate/Sayid)

Oct 31, 2010 18:33

Alright, this is my last Halloween ficlet of year. I hope you guys are all having a wonderful holiday. If you need me I’ll be off answering comments and preparing for Nano and zombies. ;)

Title: Claimed
Pairing: Sayid/Kate
Rating: R (Character death, sex)
Words: 435
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: He places her in the dark waters and waits.
A/N: Written for mollivanders who requested Kate/Sayid + “whispers”. Happy Halloween, my dear! <3

Sayid carries Kate’s lifeless body into The Temple. Her blood is still hot where it seeps onto his arm, her eyes still frozen wide with terror. He had watched passively as Claire plunged the knife into her chest. In another time, her accusing stare would have haunted him. Now he feels no remorse. It will be forgotten soon anyway.

He places her in the dark waters and waits.

She wakes up with a gasp, her chest heaving with the effort of each breath. Sayid smooths her wet hair away from her face.

“Welcome back,” he says softly.

Kate begins to shake.

“What did you do?”


She won’t forgive him, but she won’t leave him either. The days pass and she still doesn’t understand what she is now. She only knows she doesn’t feel anything, she thinks of Aaron and feels no pull. This is how she knows she is dead.

Sayid moves through the jungle by her side, silent as ever. They slip away from the rest of the camp, away from the monster and Claire.

“Would you like to find the others?” he asks.

Kate thinks of Sawyer and Jack.

“I don’t want them to see me like this.”

“I understand,” Sayid replies.


They fuck in the caves, her back flush against the cold stone wall as he moves inside of her. She waits for a sense of relief, for warmth to seep back into her bones. She looks into Sayid’s eyes and knows he’s waiting for the same thing.

He comes with a small moan against her lips and then they part. Kate curls into herself on the stone floor and wishes he had left her to rot in the jungle. Anything would be better than this.


“I want to show you something,” he whispers in the darkness.

Kate takes his hand as they step out into the night. A warm breeze catches her hair, carrying with it the low murmur of voices.

“What is that?” she asks.

Sayid puts a finger to his lips.

“Just listen.”

The murmuring grows until Kate can hear the voices, so many voices. She can hear them all: Boone, Charlie, Juliet, Whispering, pleading for release.

“Oh God,” she says.

Then she hears someone else, someone she’s known all her life. Among the chorus of whispers, Kate hears herself.

“That’s me,” she says slowly. “What does that mean?”

“It means we belong to the island now.”

Sayid presses a kiss to her temple.

“It means we will never leave.”

For the first time since she changed, Kate feels a tear slide down her face.

fic: kate, fic:lost, fic: sayid/kate, i heart halloween

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