Orson Scott Card on New Moon:
"And at the end, Bella actually shows some spunk. There is a memorable scene between her and werewolf boy in which she is needlessly vicious to someone who has done her nothing but good -- she wouldn't be Bella if she had a spark of human compassion or feeling for any person other than herself and her alpha-male Edward
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To everyone its stupid what jacob does/did. Most people make fun of dogs and call them dumb cause they do the same thing. Yet he remains faithful to her, and unable to "move on" from Bella. I do agree with you if the book was from anyone elses perspective it would be so much better. He recieves someone who he can be everyting (but not in a nasty clingy way) to in every chapter of her life, the wolf imprinting thing was very interesting and at first I thougt creepy as well.
The whole no sex before marriage thing felt so last minute tack on QUICK to me. He was born in 1933..give me a BREAK hes a virgin. They are built to draw in the opposite sex...and he remains haughtely aloof for all this time...yeah right. He has killed humans before but NOT seduced a woman???!!! I would have been ok with Bella being one but the way it was presented was also forced.
Again the movies have things that only those who has read the books could understand (fully).
Oh you know he is Oy you know it!!! I found like three supporting lines to my argument!
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