Avatar 3x01-3x07

Nov 04, 2007 22:19

Spoilers for all seven eps!

Huh! I'm enjoying this show a lot more than I thought I would! Prior to this, I was watching the first two seasons as my knitting show. I.e. I'd pay attention to it sometimes but I wouldn't feel too bad if I missed bits because I was concentrating on lace knitting or something.

The emotional drama of the show still doesn't get me, as the dialogue is often too anvilly for my enjoyment, but I really like the creativity in some of it. And it never fails to make me laugh, which is highly welcome.

I loved the Sokka sword episode, especially since Sokka sneaks up on you and suddenly he's one of your favorite characters. I still laugh at Zuko's extreme angst -- I think he and Sasuke would get along! Uncle Iroh continues to be cool (the push-ups!), and 3x06 had me rewatching the entire thing for historical flashbacks. You just know there's Sozen/Roku slash out there now...

I'm still not a fan of the way the show's been pushing Katara/Aang, but oh well. Azula used to get on my nerves (mostly b/c of her voice actor), but now that she and Zuko are interacting more, I've been enjoying her scenes more. Her being socially awkward and interrupting romantic conversations with plans to rule the world was awesome.

I laughed and laughed and laughed at the emo of the "let's all share our feelings on the beach" episode.

Also, Toph episode! Whoo! I was grouchy at first with the two girls fighting, but I like that the show focused solely on their relationship. So often, it's the relationship between a man and someone, and aside from Azula and her friends, there's very little in the way of female friendship in the show. Plus, we don't get to see much friendship among Azula and her cronies. I also liked that the two of them broke out and saved Aang instead of having Aang and Sokka rescue them.

I continue to be impressed with the cultural research the animators have been doing. Every single time there's a sign or scroll, I pause the screen, and I can always read the Chinese, and it always means what it should mean. Also, the paintings of the past Fire Lords look Chinese. It's little details like this that make me love the world so much. I don't care if it's cultural appropriation, because they're getting so much right that you can tell they put a ton of time and effort into it. And I really appreciate that.

tv, tv: avatar the last airbender

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