
Jul 14, 2007 01:24

  • The first PoC in SF/F carnival is up! willow_dot_com has some great links in there, along with really good commentary about POC in SF/F books, games, TV and movies. Also, she starts the post with a nice summation of why the carnival is necessary.

  • Nominate books for the Carl Brandon Awards! Deadline is Tuesday, July 31. SF/F works by POC are eligible, as are any SF/F works about race and/or ethnicity. I am now grumpy at myself because I could only think of one thing to nominate, and I don't think I've read anything eligible for the 2006 Parallax. Must try to read more for 2007.

And because I've been meaning to do this for a while, but I've also been hesitating because I didn't want to make people feel excluded... I wanted to put together a list reccing LJs and blogs that I've found useful lately, just because sometimes, I forget that not everyone is reading the same things I read. I generally assume that people who are reading my LJ are doing so because they're interested in anime and manga, books, and race. I blog about other things too, but these three seem to be the big ones lately.

I also generally assume that most people reading me for the above topics are also reading coffeeandink, rilina, rachelmanija, and yhlee, all of whom offer intelligent commentary on all of the above.

So here are some possibly less well-known people and places:

  • yeloson's account has a ton of links on race and racism, both in the blogosphere and in the news. I can't even begin to say how useful I've found it for keeping up with things and for educating myself.

  • I sort of assume most people here know about deadbrowalking, the comm for fannish POC and allies, right?

  • jinian, gwyneira, minnow1212, buymeaclue, and keilexandra all blog about books fairly regularly, and even better, they have organized tags and/or LJ memories! This makes the obsessive-compulsive tagger in me happy. Here are buymeaclue's LJ memories, keilexandra's tags, jinian's tags, gwyneira's tags, and minnow1212's LJ memories. tenemet's LJ is all books, all the time!

  • shewhohashope has been blogging both about books and about race and racism in the UK.

  • And I've gotten sucked into GoodReads. I'm afraid my own account is probably terribly boring for people already reading my LJ, since all I do is post links to entries here, but I've been having lots of fun mass-importing my book lists and reading people's write ups.

books, linkage, race/ethnicity/culture, recs: posts

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