Spoilers! Also, please don't spoil me for S2! Speculation is ok; confirmation of anything is not.
Huh. That felt rather anticlimactic. I thought it was just me, except it seems like other people have had that reaction as well.
Most of that is because I still do not care about the drama that is the Petrelli family; they are no longer the giant hole of boredom that they were in the very beginning, but they are still the characters whose fate I worry about the least.
Also, the ending made no sense! Rachel mentioned that Peter can't control more than one power at a time; ergo not being able to fly off. So that was ok. But I still don't get why they could just shoot him or whack him over the head with the meter or stick a long glass shard in the back of his head. I mean, yeah, they would have to keep doing that every time he got glowy, but that seems to be a much more practical solution than two people going off and dying.
I am mostly assuming that Peter will be back, given his healing powers.
Also also, it was rather anticlimactic because with all the focus on Nathan's greyness, he was bound to change sides at the last minute.
Also x3, it felt like all the other characters' storylines got shafted so that Peter and Nathan could have their big moment. Niki got told that she was needed in the fight; Hiro got thrown out by Sylar, only to have his killing of Sylar go rather quickly, given the amount of worry and effort that he put into it for several episodes; Claire got stopped by Nathan. The last one felt particularly unncessary and irritating! Claire's been passive for several episodes now, and it was so cool when she finally told off the Petrellis and jumped out the window -- only to be stopped at the last minute?! Argh!
I squeed when we got to see Simone and her dad again, although I am sad that Charles Deveaux came back largely to be a Magical Negro. I am hoping that he will be in the next season, as they have foreshadowed his involvement for ages and because he is clearly deeply involved with the Gen 1.0 scheme. I'm also hoping that Mohinder's sister Shanti shows up again as well. And, given the generations theme, DL's mom! Come on! She should be superpowered!
Anyway, so many plotlines felt like they were hastened to get to the big Peter/Sylar/Nathan showdown -- is Niki reintegrated? Huh? Is that Candice's real form, or has she been hanging on to the illusion so long that she keeps it even when unconscious? What are DL, Micah and Niki going to do now? And a lot fo the plotlines felt like they were twisted to get Peter and Nathan to where they were. While I liked the reveal of Mr. Bennet's real name, it felt like he trusted Peter awfully quickly, and that he was convinced a little too much that Peter was the only way to save NY.
Actually, I generally just didn't understand why most people thought Peter was the only person who could save New York. I mean -- Peter has been harping on being the exploding guy for months! And... ok, so Claire can still have her brains eaten, but she seems like a safer bet to me. Also... why didn't Mr. Bennet try and contact Bob, since Bob has helped both him and Claire before? It would have made the most sense; Bob suppresses Sylar's powers, Claire is there anyway because she can heal. I am still not sure why Peter didn't fly out to a lonely deserted island in the middle of nowhere.
I am strangely charmed by the Mohinder and Molly show. Now that Sylar has crawled off into the sewers (I am glad he is not dead, as his supervillain-ness amuses me), I am hoping for many skanky phone calls: "Hey Mohinder. It's me." "WTF? Sylar? Aren't you dead?!" "Nope. Just in the sewers. Wanna meet up?" *Mohinder hangs up*
I totally thought I saw a gooey crawly thing on the sewer lid, but Rachel informs me that it was probably blood. I think I have been a little too influenced by Spiderman 3 and gooey evil aliens from other planets.
Also -- big bad for next season! Who is the person Molly can't find, and why can he see her when she sees him?
Poor Matt. Well, you'll probably survive, because if you didn't, you'd get a death scene. You are much more amusing now than you used to be, and I am glad you didn't die.
And Noah! He has a name! (c'mon guys... name Bob...)
But finally: HIRO AND ANDO! Yay! They didn't get that much time, but they were awesome! Ando called him "kickass"! Hiro gave him the sword!!! And told him it was to ensure Hiro's return! Also, oh Hiro, you killed Sylar. I hope they deal with that next season, given the lead-up to it.
Also: TOKUGAWA JAPAN! (I originally thought the noises were dinosaurs when I saw the falling guy was Hiro. But samurai are just as good as dinosaurs!)
What I want to see next season: Molly and Mohinder! Molly and Micah bonding over their powers! More of DL and his mom! The return of Kimiko! Charles Deveaux and the big reveal of Gen 1.0's Grand Plan! Candice's real form! Hiro getting a sword power-up with Kensei, who turns out to be the ancestor of the Nakamuras! Bob actually getting a name!
The usual
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