rachelmanija has this great post with people suggesting their
cool bits, aka, what they love reading about, and I have decided that my perfect, absolutely insane, could probably only be done by Yuki Kaori or Laura Kinsale level of cracktastic thing to read would be:
("cool bits" in blue)
During the ongoing war between a corrupt Heaven and rebellious Hell, an angel (winged, of course) falls for a demon -- let's make her an assassin -- and this forbidden love has them somehow be persecuted or whatnot (handwavy plot things go here). (also, the persecution part isn't blue because I don't care so much for that)
Oh wait, let's make them meet while she's dressed as a guy. Let's also make her the nth incarnation of Lucifer. Also, they have to meet while she's on a sekrit undercover mission to (handwavy plot thing) do something of great strategic importance in Heaven, so of course she goes in as a courtesan. Yes, they have courtesans in Heaven. What do you mean, this doesn't make sense? ;)
Also, Angel!Guy has glasses.
In the ensuing completely complicated political machinations going on in Heaven, Angel!Guy ends up disguising himself as a courtesan as well (insert handwavy plot thing), possibly to figure out what Demon!Girl is doing, which of course has to involve poison, assassination, secret passages in the palaces of Heaven, and a complex cipher that somehow Angel!Guy figures out and they use to communicate with each other. Demon!Girl gets to have much fun maneuvering in the courts of Heaven (yay, I get to make Heaven have courts and secret passages!) and of course uses fans and other such signals. I'm sure somehow Angel!Guy and Demon!Girl manage to have a duel of wits and swords, which somehow resolves in hot against-a-wall sex involving the undoing of many buttons, a head falling back against the wall, and a blowjob in which the power lies with Demon!Girl and the subsequent breaking of Angel!Guy's reserved exterior.
Naturally, something greatly tragic happens, forcing Angel!Boy and Demon!Girl to go down in non-literal flames together (you can never tell in Heaven and Hell). Naturally, they do this despite knowing that they're doomed. Magic Plot Device Fairy comes in and allows them to choose a memory wipe for both and reinstatement in Heaven and Hell, or many painful reincarnations on Earth. Of course, reincarnation option comes with the catch that neither will remember their previous lives.
Guess which one I make them pick?
This means I get to have reincarnations set in turn-of-the-century Europe, complete with bustles and corsets, along with one set in Meiji Japan in which Angel!Guy gets to wear bowler hats and hakama. Of course, all the reincarnations end tragically.
Handwavy plot device takes over, leading to Angel!Boy getting a few memories back and looking through the ages for Demon!Girl, which of course leads to love from afar with Demon!Girl not knowing (amnesia, y'know?). Also, because Angel!Boy is quietly angsty, yet nice and reserved and polite with good-manners, while Demon!Girl is quiet and deadly and cold, just a hand on the shoulder is huge. Naturally, even though Demon!Girl doesn't know what's going on, they become a sort-of family of broken people who are less broken around each other. Also, sex scene in which Demon!Girl loses control finally and illustrates the fine line between pleasure and pain.
And of course they get to learn about living and being alive together.
Before Heaven and Hell come back in the picture, Demon!Girl gets her memories back and much more handwavy plot stuff happens.
Ok, I think I got most things in except a love of knowledge and crafty things, but I suspect making Demon!Girl or Angel!Boy a knitter may be stretching things.
So that's the portrait of my id!
Tell me yours! (if you do it in your own LJ, I'd love to get a link to it so I can read it!)