Far West and Colonial Adventures Dual Update

Aug 04, 2012 21:15

Far West is due to hit the printers on 31 August.

The first part of the manuscript is in my grubby little paws now, as Adamant Entertainment has given we brave and bold band of backers an opportunity to help them review it before the book goes to print. The rest of it should be arriving, three chapters at a time, over the next week and a half. That means we don't get overwhelmed, and it's easier to apply our feedback if it comes in little chunks rather than all at once.

I cannot share details. I will not share details. But this is gonna be awesome! Now if only I can find a tomboy mini with a nine-ring broadsword and a six-gun...


The mighty, mighty Ed T. of Two Hour Wargames has released the second edition of Colonial Adventures, and all of a sudden I have the itch to go paint those Zulus who have been hiding in my box o' minis for years. Only, of course, this being ME, I'm going to do those grass skirts in pink, powder blue, white, and pale green.

Zulus in Tutus. "We dare you to laugh."

Leaving aside that I'm the guy who did his T'ang Dynasty crossbowmen in red tunics with little Starfleet emblems on them (redshirts!), and thought about putting butt stickers on his elephants ("I brake for mahatmas." "Vishnu happens." "The curry stops here."), there is a very practical reason to do this. If I want my Cub to join the hobby, I have to make some concessions to her love of the frilly and pink.

(Let's be clear: I mean absolutely no disrespect to the Zulus. They earned their reputation as serious badasses. I do like to have the odd bit of silly fun with the hobby, though, and the image of Zulus performing combat ballet got stuck in my noggin as firmly as did that image of a band of Zulu meerkats riding a crocodile into battle like Fremen on a sandworm. So I'm not painting ALL my Zulus this way. Only about a dozen. The rest will be done normally.)

The other side of this is that my supervisor's boss has the perfect name for a Prussian or Austrian officer, and another fellow at work has a similarly useful name...and with their kind permission, I'm going to be campaigning through Colonial Lemuria with the Archduke's Own Colonial Grenzers. I've promised to keep their alter-egos hale and hearty for as long as I can, and I'll be posting AARs complete with pics if and when I get enough stuff painted.

The official stats, for those of you following along at home, are as follows:

Archduke's Own Colonial Grenzers (Ingolstadt Regiment)
Co. A. First Platoon
Lt. H.W.F. Nachtrieb (Rep 3)
Sgt. F.H. Stucker (Rep 4) (can I get an umlat, please?)
17 Grenzers (Rep 5) (slightly understrength, as tends to happen)

In other words, we have a ninety-day wonder and his hand-picked sergeant...both Germans...who have been assigned to a veteran Hungarian unit of Light / Line infantry. You all just know this ain't gonna end well (/Waylon Jennings).

And since they're going to be in Lemuria, there might be dinosaurs once in a while.


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