First of all, on a Starbucks run during All Night Skate, a guy rolled down his window and yelled at me. Except instead of yelling obscene or demeaning things, he just yelled, "How cute are these boots?" A la
Gap Holiday. I wasn't really sure whether to be offended, or flattered, or just REALLY REALLY PSYCHED. I chose the last two.
Second of all. Valentine's Day. I'm not a COMPLETE failure. I called Sean and invited him to hang out, since Lucy made me feel bad about his poorly phrased Valentine letter. (Which I actually thought was perfectly phrased, and was kind of proud of it, but Lucy says boys don't understand subtlety? Darn. Subtlety is an art form I've perfected; I wish I had known it would turn out to be useless.) Albeit I promptly threw my phone on the ground when the call ended, I'd have to say it went pretty successfully... I'm still celebrating Throw It On The Ground Day. But then he turned out to be busy. But don't say I didn't try. Arghh, someday I'll explain things to him. I will.
Other than that, I'm just busy swinging and not reading, watching the winter Olympics a bit, and waking up after full nights of sleep and talking to nerds who haven't gone to bed yet. And throwing things on the ground.