Mar 11, 2009 15:46
First things first: Why have I never realized the potential of my loft bed as a cozy nook to update my Livejournal??? This is amazing! I'm wearing silly whimsical snuggly pajamas and am surrounded by my cuddly stuffed animals!
Talking point: it was snowing a little bit on the weekend and yesterday, which was exciting. It didn't stick or anything, as it rarely does, but it was exciting. Drew and I frolicked and it also prevented me from starting my homework for a little longer even after I came back in from frolicking because I just had to take some pictures from my window because it looked so pretty. And then as soon as I got to my creative writing class yesterday it was practically a blizzard.
Also we did peer editing, which went well. People liked the story I wrote. I might post it on here. Eventually maybe I want to make it into more than five pages double-spaced, like maybe actually make it more into a whole novel or something. But before that my professor, who's also working on her MFA in Creative writing, brought in her professor's 12-page commentary on her revisions of her story, and they were pretty much the harshest things ever. I have so much respect for this woman who's been teaching my class all semester; I am under the impression that she knows her shit. But that just sort of shoved it in my face that nobody really cares about what we've got to say, or thinks how we're trying to say it is complete shit. It's hard to succeed as a writer. Creative writing has been probably my funnest college class so far, but I don't want to take any more classes in it. It has been so enlightening to learn about craft, and to actually make conscious decisions when I am writing, but I just want to take that knowledge and use it to create my own style and not have my dreams crushed by professors who know more shit than me.
After creative writing, I went into LLC South to play the piano. Then an awkward guy with a yellow sweater and blue sweat pants (an article of clothing that has previously only been worn by my mother) came and started making awkward conversation with me, then I played Moonlight Sonata for him, then he went to get his Chinese friend and came back to "show me off" so I talked to them for a while and played more stuff for them. And then the awkward one was like, "Can I take you out for coffee sometime?" I weighed my pros and cons. Cons: He was wearing blue sweat pants. He would probably crush me if we ever had sex. He had just asked me out after knowing me for fifteen minutes. Dates are EXTREMELY AWKWARD. Pros: free coffee? I said, "Probably not."
When I told Lucy and Katie and Sean, they all told me that that's just how dating in college works. WHAT????? But that means admitting you're attracted to someone fifteen minutes after you know them??!?!?!?!?!?! THAT IS EXTREMELY AWKWARD!!! I'm going to remain a spinster for the rest of my life, or marry one of my best friends.
Yesterday was Lucy Day, so she, Katie, Jacob, and I went out to Prince Pucklers. Then Lucy and I went to Sean's house. We beat Myst 4, so we decided to play the original Myst, and Riven. We went back and forth between the two because they both kept glitching or failing. Then Sean's mom wanted to watch American Idol (??) so we went to the park and it was freezing. Lucy sort of ended up having relationship drama in the cold. Sean and I played on the swings and philosophized. Then we were cold so we went home, but then Sean was like "Let's make cookies!" which never happened but it made us spend the night and we played Riven, but Sean got distracted by a wolf goddess video game, then we all talked about school and relationships. I ate two hot dogs without the buns. Lucy went to bed. Sean and I philosophized and tried to record a new voicemail message for him, which failed. Also, secretly this globe in his house, if you plug it in and turn the lights in the room off, it shows you pictures of constellations. Then we were like "Well shit! It's 5am" and went to bed.
Today I felt a bit crappy because of staying up so late, and I completely spaced and forgot to go to my conference with my writing teacher, but I made it through classes and busted out my episode analysis in half an hour and turned in my creative writing portfolio. That class is completely over now! Only time can tell how well I do now. Today I have, oh guess what, more papers to work on. But I might nap.
Oh, also. This song, Bulletproof, by Rilo Kiley. I heard it for the first time on Drew's stereo and just adored it, but couldn't really figure out why. Then it hit me! It sounds basically like Elliot Smith and Quasi combined, but with a girl singer. Aww it's good.
Also, Nick's choir concert is tomorrow and I am TOTALLY going. And I'm skipping a mandatory hall meeting to go. Nick, you should be touched. Except, I haven't been to a mandatory hall meeting in so long... so it's not a big deal. But. YAY!
In closing, DFTBA!!!!!!!!