Nov 30, 2008 15:07
I came home on Wednesday night and was enlisted in making an apple pie, which turned out good. On Thursday I thought about making this entry, but I never got around to it until now, Sunday. I did make a batch of stuffing that was amazing, with cranberries and raisins and little bits of dried mango. It was like... a delicious romance of dried fruit and spices and bread chunks. Maybe it seems weird to put fruit in stuffing, but I like it a lot. All the Thanksgiving foods were like that. Interesting, delicious flavor combinations. On Friday I helped my mom go through a bunch of old papers and stuff. We were looking for my iPod warranty but we didn't find it. On Saturday I did tons of stuff in town and saw friends, and then watched an old video we found in one of the boxes on Friday labelled "Melodie." It's videos of me as a baby rolling around and chewing on a rubber ducky, and then later, a bunch of birthday parties and playdates with my playgroup. That was really fun to watch. They're things that I obviously have no memory of, but I also know it's me in the videos.
Today I wrote a personal essay (part of which I sort of took from my personal essay from Anna Grace's class last year. I know I was just ranting to you, Lucy, about how it would be unethical to do that, but it's not like I used the whole thing, and really, I wanted to say the same thing that I had already said quite eloquently. There would be no purpose in writing the same thing over again, and it would probably turn out worse anyway.) And just now, after I finished, I made a list of things I am thankful for. Last night I was in an existential crisis and wondering if there is any meaning to life. Like, probably for the first time ever, maybe doubting that there is. Which is scary if it's your first time and you're used to looking at the world through rose-colored glasses. What comforted me was the knowledge that throughout human existence, millions of other people have probably wondered that too, or doubted it, or something, which maybe in itself proves that life isn't completely meaningless????? But I'm not sure. It's hard to use reason about nothingness. We can't all be Heidegger. Anyway, today I proved myself wrong because once I started thinking of things I was thankful for, it was hard to stop. So. Here goes, I guess.
~Ally: my amazing Musketeer. I miss you!
~Amber: I'm so glad I met you.
~Andy: dear, dear friend.
~Ben Folds
~Big Mouth Bowls: keep me alive
~board games
~Charlie: So glad I know you. I love to talk to you and go on walks and lay in your bed, and your house actually feels more like home to me than my dorm. It's weird. But I'm glad you're in my life.
~collages: giving and receiving.
~dress tours
~Euro. Lit.: changed my life.
~food: Good.
~free food: Even better.
~hand-me-downs: Thanks!!!!
~Harry Potter
~holidays: bring people together and I love the traditions.
~juice: Delicious.
~Kenzie: I'm glad you come home so often!!!!!
~lists: Obviously, I like them.
~literature: it's GREAT!!!!!
~Livejournal: Obviously, I like it.
~love: pretty rad, in general
~Love Actually
~Lucy: You are my Musketeer!!! I feel that we have a long future of understanding each other when no one else does.
~my bike: I can go anywhere.
~my camera
~my cell phone: Handy for calling people.
~my friends' parents: Seriously. I feel like they take care of me now that I don't see my parents as much. They are really great.
~my iPod
~my loft bed: I just can't get over it!! It's so high!!!! And cozy!!!
~my parents: They pay my tuition, love me unconditionally, and are seriously awesome.
~my rain jacket
~Nick: You're great, also, you decided to bring LJ back!!! I am happy to see your posts on my friends page again. See you soon!
~parks: They have swings, which is really important to my life.
~philosophy: Think about stuff. It's great.
~pianos: Especially the one in Carson.
~pillows: Especially my red one.
~Professor Calhoon
~public transportation: Screw cars.
~random objects of the day
~saving money
~shoes: Without them, my feet would be quite cold.
~Smith Family Books: !!!!!!
~Target: Has everything you need and more.
~Writers of the Universe: AKA Awkward Kids club. But it's great.
mr. stewart,
ben folds,
harry potter,
anna grace,
professor calhoon,