Title: All Under Control
Pairing: G-Ri
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Old issues, not beta'd
Summary: Jiyong's thinking and Seungri is scheming. Neither succeeds.
AN: I'll be extremely happy if anybody gets what I'm trying to say. And happy birthday to me!!!~
I've got it all under control. I have the manual just right here. )
I just wanted to comment and say that this was really lovely.
I enjoyed how Seungri was making the plans and Jiyong's all "yes Seungri yes"
"I think it's perfect."
No matter how crazy, this is perfect.
and that part = <3
HAPPY BIRTHDAY by the way, I hope you have a lovely day
Jiyong and TOP are dancing because it's your birthday :) dance dance dance.
"Drarry (Draco-Harry) and Drari (G-dragon-Seungri)! LOL. Though I don't call them Drarry and Drari but H/D and G-Ri :D It's still cute!"
OMG! YES! *hi5s* for H/D and G-RI. :)
I never really got to celebrate my birthday as I was holed up that day at home, writing papers and editing docus.
Lol, call me biased but would you believe that in that gif, I was staring at Bae's sexy back? Hehe, sorry tabi and gd...
But I hope you were able to finish your work...
BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! Not going to lie, I wouldn't blame you at all, Youngbae's back is so.damn.beautiful! But I'll always enjoy how Jiyong's doing some crazy dance in the background...and whatever Tabi's doing, well that's just questionable!
and yeah, I READ H/D :) *is a fellow h/d shipper* It was the first slash pairing I got in to :DD I will always love them.
I mean it is blatantly obvious that Draco and Harry are in love, even though they fight like a married couple, they will.always.love.each.other!...*rambles on about H/D* :) You have not seen me watching a HP film, I'm literally sat there slashing them together...*blinks* :D
And I did. I finished everything!
Bae's back is art. I have Hwangssabu's testimony. Haha.
I have a thousand H/D fics saved on my comp and I have a link full of H/D stuff here: H/D goodies and things that prove I am Slytherin and Draco biased!!!
H/D is tension all over the pages of every HP book. I mean, JKR obviously isn't aware that she's writing slash but haha, she totally was. HBP movie was an H/D movie. It is.
but I guess if it was peaceful then it's always nice :)
AND YAY YOU FINISHED YOUR WORK! If it helps, I'm sat here attempting (pffft...like I'm actually trying!) to finish my accounting homework...*sigh* it's never going to get done ever...
Bae's back is a masterpiece...WHAT'S BETTER...
his CHEST! yeah I went there...
I searched tumblr, not a single topless!YB photo came up...what is this madness?
Found one:
I have a ridiculous amount of H/D on my laptop also! Literally, when I'm bored I know I can go read some H/D to make me feel better :) *hi5s for Drarry* there are some amazing pieces of fanfiction out there I tell you!
Ah thank you for the link :) I shall go check it out in a mo...
I'm Draco-biased also, he's my all time favourite character! I'm pretty much crazy about that blond ferret boy! Love love love him to smithereens! :) Aish my laptop's even called Draco Malfoy (the honest truth I tell you). :D
and obv. JK Rowling wasn't aware of all the slash implied in her books! Seriously, in the seventh one, where Harry and Draco grabbed hands, I just sat there going *shipping shipping shipping shipping* and the sixth one, well Harry was pretty much stalking Malfoy like a lovesick maniac :)
p.s. is it okay if I friend you?
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