Porn Battle XII (The Dirty Dozen) - Round up

Aug 11, 2011 12:10

It's all over... until the next one!

The website is up-to-date now - you can either scan through entries in page order, or by fandom. And a good number of entries are up on AO3 too. Thanks a million to all the volunteers who've toiled behind the scenes helping me make this happen - you're awesome! And to everyone who's taken part, either by making fanworks, leaving feedback, pimping or general cheerleading!

I never fail to be impressed by the showing some of the little fandoms make. And I'm amused that there are twice the number of The Silmarillion, and three times the number of Greek Mythology entries as there are Hawaii Five-0! Stargate SG-1 is still going strong, and X-Men: First Class (2011) is the new big one. And there's everything else, from Alice in Wonderland to My Little Pony, from Disney Princesses to The Borgias, and some intriguing crossovers. I think Rookie Blue wins the 'little fandom that could' award this time around with 14 entries (Andy McNally/Sam Swarek seems to be much loved), and did anyone else get anywhere near
bring_me_sugar's impressive 43 entries?! eta:
saavikam77 did, with 30 entries and a 33k word count!! Wow to both of you!

And as I'm always asked about this, if you missed the battle, or just want to carry on writing/drawing/manipping/vidding, the prompts are all free to good homes!


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challenge: porn battle, challenge

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