Looking for betas! (The prompt posts will open later today - get ready!)
If you're willing to help out by betaing fiction, artwork or vids, please leave your details here (either the Livejournal or the Dreamwidth post or both if you want), with the subject line BETA OFFER.
Here's a handy-dandy template for you to use:
Name: Email address: AIM/Google Talk/ICQ UIN/LJ Talk/other: Fiction/Art/Vids: Fandoms I can beta: Things I won't beta:Other info: e.g.
Name: Helpful-Fan
Email address: helpfulfan@gmail.com
AIM/Google Talk/ICQ UIN/LJ Talk/other: AIM username - helpful2
Fiction/Art/Vids: Fiction only
Fandoms I can beta: Smallville, Heroes, Supernatural, and any Jane Austen novel. Slash or het.
Things I won't beta: Non-con or BDSM.
Other info: I can manage 24 hour turn-around. Word documents or Googledocs preferred.
If you're looking for a beta, comment here, with the subject line BETA NEEDED, and details of what you need betaing (or if you're looking in advance, a rough idea of what you might be producing).
Any questions, please leave them on one of the question posts (links below).
Porn Battle on AO3 |
Question Post on LJ or
Question Post on DW |
Beta Post on LJ or
Beta Post on DW |
Website |
Link buttons This entry was originally posted at
http://oxoniensis.dreamwidth.org/34435.html. There are
comments there.