June & July 2009 fic roundup

Aug 04, 2009 20:44

I have so much half-written fic, it's ridiculous. Self-discipline, where can I find it?

I didn't write a scrap while I was away, but now I'm back I've jumped straight back into my Bravo Two as wizards story (which is astonishing far less cracky than it sounds, and is pretty much following canon. Well, canon plus wands. And other magic. And Brad/Nate UST. And hopefully porn. But otherwise canon. *cough*). And I'm determined to finish my Dean/Faith story (which is now Dean/Faith/Sam - no idea how that happened *coughs more*), so if anyone wants to volunteer in advance as a beta, that'd be a huge incentive to finishing it!

Stuff wot I posted:


Semper Fidelis Fideli Amato [Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, NC-17, 2,355 words, July 2009]
Brad's intent on what he's doing, eyes creased in concentration. Nate closes his eyes again. The touch feels like a pen, but softer, wider, tracing lines over Nate's back.

the echo of wind [Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, NC-17, 3,668 words, July 2009]
Brad's a low level telepath, but Nate happens to be one of those he picks up loud and clear.

like a starfish [Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, NC-17, 1,028 words, July 2009]
Nate sleeps like a starfish fallen where the tide's left him, skin pale even against the white of clean sheets, long limbs askew.

never underestimate the pajamas and other domestic scenes [Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, R, 1,124 words, July 2009]
"We risk life and limb fighting the men in black pajamas, and now you want me to wear the uniform of our enemy?"

the ending earth [Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, adult, 5,150 words, July 2009]
They both know, both have fallen a little in love and a little in hate with this country, and they understand that's how it is. That's all that matters.

Bit of a pattern there...


da bigga, da blacka mustache [Generation Kill, ensemble, sort of Brad/Nate, adult, 1,782 words, June 2009]
This whole competition, it's motherfucking gay, that's what it is.

Bloody Magnificent [Lewis, Lewis/Hathaway, PG-13, 100 words, June 2009]
What it is.

We, We Are Awesome [Fired Up, Bianca/Angela, R, 380 words, June 2009.]
We're really, really awesome.

roundup, writing, beta

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