Fired Up ficlet: We, We Are Awesome

Jun 07, 2009 18:56

We, We Are Awesome [Fired Up, Bianca/Angela, R, 380 words, written for Porn Battle VIII, prompt: cheer. First posted here.]

The moon's a waning crescent tonight. Bianca overheard Shawn telling Carly earlier, something about wishing on waning crescents and then they'd started giggling and making out. Bianca had stuck her finger in her throat and fake-gagged but they hadn't even noticed. They're kind of cute, really.

Not as cute as her and Angela, of course. There's just the two of them left on the practice field now, sprawled out side by side on the grass, watching the moon rise over the trees.

"Do you think you can wish on the moon?" Bianca asks.

Angela lifts up her head. "I guess. What would you wish for?"

Bianca thinks. It doesn't take her long. "Nothing. I've got everything I want right here."

It's the sort of stupid, cheesy, fake line Nick and Shawn used to use. Except it's true.

Angela smiles at her, pleased. She laces her fingers between Bianca's and they lie like that. It feels like they're miles from anyone. Bianca could lie here forever. On the other hand-

"You know, just because we're girls and aren't as totally obsessed with sex as guys doesn't mean we can't make out. You know that, right? I mean, I'm all for just-"

Bianca would keep going, but Angela's answering by taking her top off, and her bra, and then she wriggles a bit and shucks off her skirt and panties, and Bianca knows when to stop talking. Angela's tits are gorgeous, soft and round and full and she makes little breathy noises when Bianca sucks her nipples and even better noises when Bianca slides a hand between her legs.

"I want to-" Angela says, slipping a hand under Bianca's skirt, and they're cheerleaders and flexible. Flexible is very good, which is the last coherent thought Bianca manages for a while.

"That was awesome," Bianca says later, handing Angela her top.

"We're awesome," Angela replies. She does a cartwheel, so Bianca does too, and then Angela does a high V and Bianca follows suit, and they run and tumble back towards school.

Bianca starts the chant on the run. "We, we are awesome."

Alison joins in. "We, we are awesome."

"We're really, really awesome," Bianca calls out.

"We're really, really awesome."

They kiss on the last chant, and that's awesome too.


fiction: fired up, fiction, fandom: fired up

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