Random fandom

Mar 18, 2009 19:01

+ I'm having a dry spell. Which isn't a problem as long as it ends on Monday, because I plan on starting writing again then, no matter what. An on/off switch for writing mojo would be very handy. In lieu of that, I shall apply sheer determination.

+ Any of you read the Burn Notice tie-in novel, The Fix, by Tod Goldberg? If so, opinions on quality? Because I'm desperate for some good, long, plotty Burn Notice fic, either gen, or Victor/Michael, and the supply is short. And by short I mean I've yet to find anything more than a couple of thousand words, and most of the ficlets I've found have been porn. And while I'm never going to object to Victor/Michael porn, it's plot I'm craving. Though I'd love any kind of post finale AU in which Victor lives and he and Michael have adventures. I'm vague on what the adventures are (which puts a dent in the idea of writing it myself), I just want adventures and bonding and the two of them teaming up.

+ paian has Burn Notice recs here, and I'll add One Safe Place by bergann, a spot on little Michael/Victor fic written well before the finale that still holds up perfectly.

+ A few Burn Notice icons, mostly variations on the same Michael/Victor scene plus one Michael/Fi.



Caps by paian and myself. Textures by iqons, x_cielogris, Hybrid Genesis and Tre. Help yourself if you want any. Credit's nice.

+ Leverage recs: The Underwire Job, and the sequel, The Cat-Burglar Job by emeraldwoman and brown_betty. Fun romps, in which everyone is varying degrees of adorable and crazy, which is exactly what I want from good Leverage fic.

+ fahye, sorry, but I have to mention it! Kings. I watched it in small chunks in between doing other things, and I still got totally hooked. It's a crazy mixture of genres, and it's more than a bit cheesy at times, and I will be seriously disappointed if we don't get canon David/JonathanJack, but I kind of love it!

+ Tomorrow, I'll be here. Life is good!

icons, fandom: leverage, fandom: kings, writing, recs, fandom: burn notice, icons: burn notice

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