Witness my crush, it is epic

Dec 17, 2008 13:21

So, my Arthur crush. I'm feeling very shamefaced about this - he's a teenager, dammit, and I'm-- well, not. But in the space of a fortnight, my love for Arthur's reached the proportions of my Sam Winchester love. Which is epic ( Read more... )

icons: merlin, icons, fandom: merlin, writing, poll

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aynslee December 17 2008, 13:42:41 UTC
I just watched the first episode last night. :D


oxoniensis December 17 2008, 13:45:30 UTC
What did you think of it? I enjoyed the pilot, but I was still more at the mocking than the crush stage after it. Mind you, I still mock it as I'm watching, because it's SO CHEESY, but I don't care!


aynslee December 17 2008, 14:01:25 UTC
I like it. I like that Arthur can be a asshole; it's better that having him be the perfect person, friend, military leader, etc., from the day he was born. It's definitely cheesy, but most shows are. :D I'm going to keep watching.


oxoniensis December 17 2008, 23:21:00 UTC
Yeah, I like that he's an asshole at times, but that you can see the potential in him, the good qualities lurking underneath.

I see you've got an answer to your community question, which is great because I'd only found a couple of communities, and hadn't managed to track down the newsletter.


aynslee December 17 2008, 14:55:29 UTC
Oh, I wanted to ask--what are the good Merlin comms? Is there a newsletter, or is it too soon for that? I usually start reading in fandoms when they've been around for ages already. LOL


larawander5 December 17 2008, 22:40:44 UTC
Yes, there is one over here:


and it also has http://delicious.com/bbc_merlin which is awesome way to find stories!

http://www.dtwins.co.uk/merlinfic/index.php is also a neat site.

http://miniminkie.livejournal.com/14898.html is an epic list of good Merlin/Arthur since the beginning of the fandom.

Last if you lose a fic you can find ask about it here:
http://community.livejournal.com/merlin_finders/ like with stargate and spn.

I would code this properly but I feel to lazy to do it right now. Hope this helps you.



oxoniensis December 17 2008, 23:21:45 UTC
Ooh, brilliant - I hadn't managed to find a newsletter, so that's great. Thanks!


larawander5 December 17 2008, 23:29:39 UTC
your welcome!


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