Witness my crush, it is epic

Dec 17, 2008 13:21

So, my Arthur crush. I'm feeling very shamefaced about this - he's a teenager, dammit, and I'm-- well, not. But in the space of a fortnight, my love for Arthur's reached the proportions of my Sam Winchester love. Which is epic.

I love him when he's being a prat, when he's brave, when he's arrogant, when he's risking his life for someone (i.e. Merlin), when he's wielding that sword (and I don't even mean that euphemistically), when he's right and when he's wrong. And especially when he's bare-chested.

Anyway, my epic love means I have to write lots of snark and boys being boys and getting into danger and saving each other's lives and flatly refusing to admit they love each other. So I'm stealing scribblinlenore's trick of polling on what I should write.

These are pretty much all going to be first time Merlin/Arthur, because that's me.

The AUs
  • The obligatory boarding school AU. In which Uther is the strict headmaster, Arthur the headmaster's cocky son and head boy, and Merlin the new scholarship kid with a secret - he can do magic. It's hate at first sight for Arthur and Merlin. But when Arthur's life's in danger, everything changes.

  • The robot AU. In which Uther is head of a police task force set up to destroy robots, and Merlin is the robot that Arthur's mother charged Gaius to build to secretly take care of Arthur. Arthur doesn't know Merlin's a robot, but he does know there's something different about him, besides the fact that he's always around and drives Arthur crazy. What no one knows, besides Merlin and Gaius, is that a freak accident during his creation has made him different from other robots - he has feelings.

  • The spies AU, aka stealing plot ideas from Burn Notice. In which Arthur's a spy who's been burned, and is stuck in Camelot, and Merlin is the agent who (reluctantly) helps him. Arthur's ex, Morgana, loves blowing stuff up, whereas Arthur's father just loves the bottle. And everyone seems to think Arthur can solve all their problems. Except Merlin, who seems to think he's the answer to all Arthur's problems.

  • The Supernatural AU. In which Arthur and Merlin are hunters. Who hate each other, but keep showing up on the same hunts. When other hunters discover that Merlin has powerful magic, the hunter becomes the hunted. Guest-starring the Winchesters.

  • The hospital AU. I have no idea what this would be about, but it'd be so easy because then I could just use stupid stuff that happens at work.

Then I want to write a load of five things stories, in the Merlin universe. And Merlin universe cliché fic. And...

Poll Crushing hard
As a thank you for taking the poll, here, have a few simple icons.




Screencaps by me and potthead, textures by blimey_icons and cielo_gris. Let me know which icons you're taking, because I'm nosy and like to know. Credit's nice, hotlinking isn't.

*looks at non-Merlin works in progress and weeps*

PS, I still love Sam and Dean!!!! OMG, yes!

icons: merlin, icons, fandom: merlin, writing, poll

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