Yuletide letter

Nov 12, 2008 14:59

Dear yuletide writer,

First of all, I'm sorry my letter's a little late. I tried so hard to get it posted yesterday, but I was on call last night and it was a busy one.

Secondly, thank you for offering one (or more maybe!) of my fandoms! We have good taste! I hope you have fun writing the story.

I've tried to give you a few suggestions in the notes on my requests so you'd have something to work with (I've learned from experience that a blank details section is the worst thing), but please, do treat them as suggestions, not as hard and fast "I must have this in my story or I won't be happy" demands! Feel free to go off in a different tack and surprise me!

I put quite a lot of detail *cough* on my requests, so I'll just note a few general things here.

If you don't know me at all, and want to learn a bit about my taste, my stories are here and my fic recs page is here.

I have a few sure fire kinks in any fandom - when it comes to relationship stories, I'm all about first times and UST. In any genre I prefer an optimistic story to a pessimistic one (apocalypse fic is not for me), and I like happy endings, or at least the hope and potential for a happy ending. I love snark and banter, developing relationships, schmoop, boys being boys, twisty plots and little snap-shot of life moments.

I'm not easily squicked, but I'd rather not have a non-con story or death fic. And my big turn off is jealousy and possessiveness, characters saying, "you're mine."

Onto the fandoms (which I should say are in random order, not order of preference - I'd be equally thrilled with any of them).

Eureka (Henry & Jack)
A Henry and Jack-centric story would be brilliant. Whether they're solving a mystery, saving Eureka (either through Henry's genius or Jack's seemingly stupid ideas), getting into crazy situations, or just bonding over regular guy things, these two are fantastic. And if you're looking around for other characters to populate the story, then Fargo, S.A.R.A.H., Jo, Vincent, Zoe, Zane and Taggart are particular favourites of mine. No slash please (unless you want to give Vincent a boyfriend!), though a little subtext never hurts. Any time period, present, past or AU.

Eureka is populated with such fun people, and I'm rather fond of the wacky science too, however implausible it is. Henry and Jack are my two favourite characters, which is why I specified them, but I'm happy with any combination of characters including those two. I will just add that I don't go for Jack/Nathan at all, so I'd prefer no hints of that at all, but Jack, Henry and Nathan all working together would be fine.

Chuck (tv) (Bryce & Chuck)
Gen or slash or any stage in-between. I love their friendship, the respect Bryce has for Chuck, but I also see an amazing chemistry between them, so I'd be equally thrilled with either friendship fic or slash. Back-story, maybe, their time at Stanford, geeky evenings spent together. UST, resolved or unresolved, misunderstandings and boys being dumb, a sweet or awkward first time (I'm all about the build-up). Future missions, either with or without Sarah and Casey. Last minute escapes from danger, snark and nervous banter, wacky undercover missions. Basically, these two are awesome. And speaking of awesome (hah, got to love a clumsy segue), if it's present or future fic and you want to include the awesome Captain Awesome and Ellie and Morgan or any of the Buy More crowd, I love them all! Any rating.

Ah, my happy show. I adore Chuck Bartowski so much - he's so smart and geeky and sweet and brave, and doesn't even realise it.

Lindsey Davis - Falco series (Marcus Didius Falco)
A tale of high adventure, wacky hijinks, porn or even a smattering of all three would go down a treat. A secret mission for Titus. Wee Falco escaping from home and solving mini-mysteries. Falco working with Petro to solve a crime (and avoid Falco's mother and Petro's wife). Falco has to put in some hours as Procurator of the Sacred Geese. Steamy goings on at Glaucus' gym. Falco's play, 'The Spook Who Spoke', is performed. A trip out of the city. If you're familiar with Good Omens, Aziraphale or Crowley could turn up in Rome. Those are just a few suggestions - I'd really be thrilled with anything in this universe! If you write slash, I'm partial to the idea of Falco/Titus or Falco/Justinus. If you're a het writer, I love Falco/Helena, because Helena is an extremely cool lady (and Helena saving the day would never come amiss). Gen, het or slash, any rating.

I made a whole host of suggestions above, but they really and truly are just ideas to help you out, just in case you're looking at the request and feeling blank. But if you were hoping to get to write this fandom, and have an idea you'd love to write, go for it! I'm a book behind in the series at the moment, but I will have read it by Christmas, so whenever you set the story in the series is fine. I know there's a lot of canon material, so if it's been a while since you read the series, don't feel you have to catch up on it all. Just one stylistic preference - while I love the books to bits, I don't normally like first person narrative.

challenge: yuletide

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