Supernatural 4x05 - Monster Movie

Oct 17, 2008 12:13

I had my glee face on all episode!!!! So much fun!!! Bitch-faces, happy!Dean, re-hymenateded!Dean (there's only one option I can think of if Dean's after breaking his 'hymen'!! Bring on the strap-on fic!!), Porkies 2, Dean in lederhosen ('Hey there, Hansel.'), Dean telling Jamie how he felt about his job after his 'near death experience', Dracula on a Vespa.

They looked so good in black and white!!

Maverick!! Sam's face when Dean calls out 'barwench'!! And Sam's face when Dean says he got his happy ending!! Sam's face at pretty much everything Dean said!! The fact that Sam immediately knew which movie Dean would chose to live in. Oh, boys!

Five out of five for unconscious or sleeping Dean this season - I approve.

I adored Jamie. And I'm so proud I actually guessed the villian right from the start (from the first lipstick press on the napkin - it had to mean something) - I normally suck at guessing the villian.

Teetotal, Christian Scientist Sam!

Pizza! 'I have a coupon.'

The one thing I didn't approve of - Sam's hair. Is he stealing Dean's gel, or has he forgotten how to shower?

If I had time to rewatch it right now I'd probably end up quoting the whole thing, because I know I've missed a ton of happy, gleeful, boyish, silly moments out. One thing I'm sure of is that this makes four out of five episodes this season that make my favourite episodes list!

Screencaps. 1,317, high res, 1280x720, manually capped.

[zip 1 | zip 2 | zip 3 ] [ gallery ]

Picspam - where do I start? Seriously, how am I going to pick just a reasonable number?

This never gets old!

Took me forever to capture the wink!

'I've been revirginized.'

Oh rly?

So suave, Dean. So very suave.

I'm guessing there was some teasing on set over this!

Let's have a closeup.

As though I weren't happy enough with the episode, they go and give us a Sam hands closeup.

Possibly my favourite image of Dean, ever!

ETA: This month's chat over on spnroundtable is on religion in Supernatural - it's very informal, so anyone's welcome to drop in and chat.

screencaps: supernatural, screencaps, fandom: supernatural

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