Supernatural 4x04 - Metamorphosis

Oct 10, 2008 11:37

My computer kept turning itself off this morning, and making clunky sort of noises when I turned it back on. Worrying! Also a pain when I'm trying to watch and cap new SPN. And work is crazy-busy - which is weird because Friday is normally our quietest day in the lab - so I'm just grabbing a quick break to give myself a caffeine boost and post caps. I picked some caps out earlier though, so at least I can manage to picspam, even if I don't have time to make my usual incoherent rambling squee!

Screencaps. 1,151, high res, 1280x720, manually capped.

[zip 1 | zip 2 | zip 3 ] [ gallery ]


Someone besides me found this incredibly hot, right? Anyone?

This one's for fleshflutter - pretty!

Dean telegraphed each punch a mile off, and Sam just stood there and took them. Maybe the part of him that's scared by who and what he is felt he deserved it, or maybe he just hoped it'd make Dean feel better.

Dean's a believer.

Gross!! I had to turn the volume off for his eating scenes, because urgh, do not like eating noises!!

We've got the old number plate back!

Isn't this the lake where Dean told Sam about John's final message? Ah, recycling locations, gotta love it!


Apart from all the other parallels, Travis gives us a glimpse of exactly how other hunters would be if they knew about Sam, more so even than Dean's telling him he'd hunt him.

Oh, Sam!

Completely unrelated, good news for the next Porn Battle - the comment limit has been increased to 10,000 comments per post, so no more running out of space!

screencaps: supernatural, screencaps, fandom: supernatural

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