May 05, 2008 22:19

balefully's been writing Sam Winchester birthday fic, and she wrote OMG HOT AND GORGEOUS WATERSPORTS DEAN/SAM FOR MY PROMPT!!!!! It's like it's my birthday too!!

And You're Wired To Me

(And for the record, always feel free to imagine any prompt I give you as a watersports prompt!)

More of Sam's birthday fic here, including Sam in pink lacy panties, which I would have thought was so not my thing, but apparently it is!


I went and joined spn_j2_bigbang earlier just so I could keep refreshing the artist's sign up page to see when the story I've been cheerleading and audiencing gets claimed. Gah, I so want it to get claimed because apart from the fact that I love the story to bits, there are some amazing visuals in it that would make for fantastic illustrations. There's the opening scene, and the scene where Dean [spoiler] and the one where [spoiler] and it really makes me wish I could paint.


I might have to make a Smallville post soon. I sort of gave up on watching it a while back, but I gave it another go, and it's got good again! Like, really interesting and gripping and needing to watch the next episode straight away kind of good. And I've finally grown to really love Chloe, which makes me happy, because I always wanted to like her, just didn't quite feel it. So I shall use my new Chloe icon in honour of my new-found Chloe love.


I'm getting close to finishing my Sweet Charity pinch hit! It's only taken me forever!! Favourite SPN beta people, any of you likely to be around later this week to red-ink some first time, pre-Stanford wincest?


ETA: paintedspires is amazing!! Even if you're not in the Stargate Atlantis fandom, you should take a look at some of the art. My favourites so far are up here.

fandom: smallville, recs, fandom: supernatural, fandom: stargate atlantis

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