Thanks and porn battle stuff

Jan 12, 2008 17:09

+ A HUGE thank you to the anonymous gift-giver who has prettied up my profile page and made me very happy.

+ I'll be closing up the prompts page for the Porn Battle in just under an hour. I'm not going totally crosseyed, as infinimato's bravely volunteered to sort the crossovers, real person fiction and bandom prompts. As a heads up for anyone thinking of adding more prompts, you know that note on the prompt post about not accepting incorrectly formatted prompts? Well, we're getting stricter and stricter as our eyes are getting more tired, so if you want to get a last minute prompt in, please read the instructions first! Also, going back and editing earlier prompts isn't going to work, as infinimato and I are already sorting up to page nine.

A few questions on prompts and stuff.

Is Justice League (Animated) the same as Justice League Unlimited?

Heroes people: how old is Claire? Wikipedia says 11th grade, but that doesn't tell me a lot.

Anyone familiar with Gordon Korman: I Want to Go Home!, and know how old Mike and Rudy are? Same goes for the 1930's Nancy Drew books - how old are Nancy and George?

I think I might have messed up an NCIS prompt - I have: NCIS, Jethro/, camcorder. If this is your prompt, who is Jethro meant to be paired with?

Finally, is there anyone who'll be around in an hour or two and who's familiar with any of the following fandoms, who'd be willing to help me tidy up the prompts? Angel the Series, Battlestar Galactica, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Doctor Who, Firefly, Harry Potter, Heroes, Stargate Atlantis and/or Stargate SG-1. The prompts are sorted, but there are often multiple variations of names for the same pairing (eg Sheppard/McKay, John/Rodney, Rodney McKay/John Sheppard and so on) and these fandoms have a lot of different pairings. I could really do with some help rationalising the prompts.

+ I am considering having a goal of writing a different fandom per day over the eight days of the Porn Battle - I need talking out of it!

challenge: porn battle

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