It's starting!! This is the first stage - anyone who is over 16 (or over the age of consent in their country if that is older) can take part in this, whether you're a writer, artist, reader, lurker, whatever. All you have to do here is provide prompts.
Quick outline of the battle:
1. Stage 1: I'll be collecting prompts on this post from now until Saturday 6 pm (UK time).
2. Stage 2: I'll post a (hopefully) huge list of prompts on Sunday.
3. You'll have until 9 pm (UK time) on Sunday 20th to write/draw/manip/vid the steamiest bit of porn you can from any of the prompts.
4. You can make as many entries as you want - I'm not going to limit the porn output! And there won't be any assignments - multiple people can use the same prompts and you can use your own prompts if you want.
5. As always, the entries will be limited to what will fit in one comment (4,300 characters). I'll post full details on the porn post on Sunday (but you can always check out
the last one to see how it went).
Now, for the prompts!
1. You can post as many prompts as you like!
2. I'm keeping the prompts simple - just a fandom, character/pairing/threesome/moresome, and a single prompt word (optional).
3. Any fandom (TV, book, movie, comic, whatever), including real person fiction, het, slash, solo sex, orgies or aliens are welcome! However, no underage (under 16) characters or persons will be allowed.
4. If you've left some prompts and want to add more (up until the closing time for prompts), that's fine, but please leave them all in a new comment to the post, not a reply to your original comment, and not by editing the original comment. That way I'll be able to skim down the post without having to click on threads to find prompts.
5. Important, please leave prompts in the exact format below.
Use commas to separate, not colons or hyphens.
Use full names for fandoms (e.g. Smallville not SV).
Crossovers in alphabetical order, eg Alias/Bones, not Bones/Alias.
Like this:
Fandom, pairing, prompt word(s) (if any)
Crossover, fandom A/fandom B, pairing, prompt word (if any)
For example:
Chuck, Chuck/Bryce, jealous
Crossover, Doctor Who/Harry Potter, Ten/Remus, magic, box, fur
RPF Bandom, Fall Out Boy/My Chemical Romance, Pete/Mikey, music, watch
If you're still not sure how to do it, check out the first comment.
6. PLEASE READ THE PROMPT INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. I won't be accepting incorrectly formatted prompts, simply because they cause too much extra work.
If you want to pimp it, here are some buttons (you can hotlink them if you like):
And I've finally got a website up linking to all the previous battles, and ready for this one. There's an FAQ page there, incidently, so if you have any questions, that's the first place to check. If the answer's not there, just leave a comment on my
last post.
[ Porn Battle website ] P.S. I'd love to see lots of small/rare fandoms included. The more the merrier.