Gilmore Girls ficlet: a kiss in c minor

Dec 12, 2007 13:09

a kiss in c minor [Gilmore Girls, Dean/Rory, G, 128 words, schmoop! For kellifer_fic - a little something until I have time to write your proper story. Spoilers for the first couple of seasons.]

a kiss in c minor

When they were young, first time, and Rory fell in love, slow and subtle so she didn't even recognize it at first, she thought kissing Dean was like a song in C major - pure and sweet and perfect.

The key has changed. Major to minor.

Rory likes C minor. There's hurt and pain, but there's hope too. She thinks that makes it even more beautiful.

He kisses her in the hallway of the house he's building. One hand holding hers as tight as though he's afraid she'll slip away. Up against the banisters, and there's the distant sound of hammering upstairs, and men talking outside, but all Rory hears is Dean. That perfect chord.

"This time," he whispers, and she closes her eyes to hear him better.


fiction: gilmore girls, fandom: gilmore girls, fiction

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