Supernatural drabble: see, a world in black and red

Nov 11, 2007 18:03

Finally, the pairing everyone's been dying to read...

see, a world in black and red [Supernatural, Ruby/Lenore, adult, 100 words, spoilers for 2x03 and 3x03. Written for the 100_ghosts' prompt, 'sight'.]

She's set her sights on something different tonight )

fiction: supernatural, fiction, fandom: supernatural

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Comments 20

fleshflutter November 11 2007, 18:35:34 UTC
Oh my God, that's gorgeous! Wonderfully fairytale ambience to it! :)


oxoniensis November 11 2007, 20:58:05 UTC
Thank you! Your description pleases me muchly!


angharadd November 11 2007, 20:05:55 UTC
Mmm, I love me some SPN femslash. That was gorgeous & creepy & hot.


oxoniensis November 11 2007, 20:58:52 UTC
I think that's the first I've written - and hee, I start with a demon and a vampire!

Glad you liked it!


thehighwaywoman November 11 2007, 22:33:31 UTC
Whoa! The pairing took me by surprise; the prose is just ten kinds of gorgeous. Beautiful, vivid imagery.


oxoniensis November 11 2007, 22:49:17 UTC
Hee, the pairing sort of took me by surprise when I first thought of it!

the prose is just ten kinds of gorgeous.

Wow, thank you!


azephirin November 11 2007, 22:37:37 UTC
I didn't know until you posted this that I had been dying to read this pairing! I'm always happy to see femslash in SPN, and this was wonderfully hot and disturbing.


oxoniensis November 11 2007, 22:51:15 UTC
*grins* I have to admit, I didn't think anyone beside me would be the least interested in this pairing, hence the somewhat tongue-in-cheek opening line of the post. But yay, I'm really glad you liked it. And hopefully there should be more femmeslash now we have a few more regular female characters to play with.


smilla02 November 11 2007, 22:51:20 UTC
Amazing mood you set in 100 words. Love it!


oxoniensis November 11 2007, 22:52:32 UTC
Thank you so much! :-)


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