Supernatural drabble: see, a world in black and red

Nov 11, 2007 18:03

Finally, the pairing everyone's been dying to read...

see, a world in black and red [Supernatural, Ruby/Lenore, adult, 100 words, spoilers for 2x03 and 3x03. Written for the 100_ghosts' prompt, 'sight'.]

Tonight, Ruby's tired. Of Winchesters, of men. She wants something different.

She soon finds it. A beautiful woman, young skin, old eyes.

Ruby smiles, flash of black eyes, and buys her a drink. Lenore, her name.

Lenore drinks delicately, watching the pulse at Ruby's throat. Ruby tilts her head back in anticipation.

Later, Lenore drinks messily, licking away the last drops of blood when Ruby starts to curve at the knees. She slides to the floor and spreads her thighs, sighs in pleasure as Lenore dips her tongue in Ruby's clit.

After they kiss, Ruby's lips are sticky and red.


fiction: supernatural, fiction, fandom: supernatural

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