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chiroho September 15 2006, 21:29:24 UTC
I guess it depends on how your modem was hacked. It could have been done through the internet, or it could have been done via wireless.

Normally your wireless router is set up so that you have to connect to it locally, like with a network cable, to be able to administer it. That may not have been the case, or it could be that your router/WAP is set up differently than mine.

What I'd recommend doing is getting a wire and connecting your laptop to your Modem/WAP. When there, go into the administrative interface - usually done via a web browser, and it should be documented in the books/doc that came with the modem. Change the wireless network name to your preference. Change the default administrative password for the machine. Make sure that you disable remote administration. Enable a 32bit WEP key. The last, while making your connection more difficult as you'll need to initially type in a very long string to get a wireless connection, will mean that anyone without that key won't be able to connect.

I do all those things and haven't had a problem. I don't think that someone who has hacked your router could be causing damage, but they may well be riding off your internet connection doing who knows what.

If you want help with specifics, tell me your router make and model and I'll see what I can find out.


oxoniensis September 15 2006, 21:37:21 UTC
Ah, I didn't think to check the set up in the browser - it says the SSID (whatever that is) is youvebeenhacked. Which I guess could be the reason why the torrent I started yesterday took over 12 hours, instead of the normal 1/2 hour or so - I suppose the issue isn't just when I'm using my laptop. Damn.

Anyway, thanks *so much* for the help. I'm going to start trying to sort it out now.


chiroho September 15 2006, 22:27:49 UTC
And when I said "change the default admin password for the machine", I meant the modem/WAP (Wireless Access Point). Many people don't, and that's how people can hack. Definitely make sure you reset it too - from the HMTL admin section choose "reset factory defaults" or something similar. Then immediately change the admin password and add a WEP key.

Most likely they're using your router for something, which is why things like a download were slower. And they don't even have to be next door. Sometimes they can be across the street, depending on the range of your WAP.

And you're most welcome. Gotta give something back in return for reading what you write on your LJ. :)


oxoniensis September 15 2006, 23:10:02 UTC
I'm answering from my laptop (in bed, 'cos it's late), which is now safely connected to my own network again - I am much relieved, and owe you a million thanks. I think I've now got all the safe settings enabled!

And I'm glad you're still finding something interesting to read here - I sometimes feel I ought to apologise to all the non-Supernatural people for my obsession with it lately! It's kind of ten Supernatural posts to every one for any other fandom! *g*


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