(no subject)

Jul 24, 2006 21:25

Please don't anyone take oxoniensis on vox! I don't want an account over there, but I don't want anyone else using my name either: it would be weird! Hmm, it's entirely possible that I'm a wee bit too possessive about my fannish name! But it'd just feel wrong seeing anyone else using it. Maybe I should have been called Jane and got used to sharing.

Pimping: spn_flashback, for Sam or Dean at school stories! Eeeeeeeeeeee!! Oh god yes, there needs to be lots of signing up for this one! And even if you don't want to sign up, you can still offer up prompts. There'll be a post opening for prompts tomorrow, so that gives you some quality thinking time.

monkiedude has all the details here.


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