(no subject)

Mar 27, 2006 21:44

Help! I want to sign up for the West Wing Rare Pairings Ficathon, but I've only just properly noticed that it exists, and I have to sign up today! And I don't know what pairings to sign up for! I'm thinking maybe Sam/Will and Josh/Matt for two of my options, or even Sam/Ainsley (though I'm open to suggestions - just not Amy, definitely not Amy!). But the third option can be a crossover pairing, and that's the one I'm most interested in writing, only I can't think who to pick! And I have to leave the house in about five minutes to go and pick up my parents (who told me yesterday that they're coming to visit... hmm...).

I'd love to pick a fandom that one of the West Wing people have been in - Sports Night would be the obvious one. But then Lex in a political setting is tempting, or a bit of magic from the HP crowd, or, gah, I don't know!! The pairings don't have to be romantic - they can be familial or friendship - slash, het or gen are all good for me. So, any ideas anyone? Quickly, before I run out of time to sign up!

And I'll belatedly pimp the challenge while I'm here - The West Wing Rare Pairings Ficathon - you write for yourself, you get a nice selection of prompts, and lots of time to write the story. Go and sign up while you're chosing pairings for me!


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