Brokeback Mountain Special

Dec 06, 2005 23:00

I only had time to watch and cap one thing tonight, and the Brokeback Mountain Special won out over Stargate Atlantis. Sorry Atlantis team - I love you, but I just couldn't resist the angsty cowboys.

I don't like having high expectations of movies. In fact, I'd generally rather go into a movie with no expectations whatsoever, but this film? The more I see, the more I just know it's going to exceed any expectations I might have had. I don't pay a lot of attention to cast and crew comments: after all, when do they ever say how much the movie sucks, or that their co-stars can't act?! But the scenes themselves said it all, even though we only saw seconds at a time. It was enough.

It doesn't open until Friday 6th January in the UK though! *weeps*

But for now, if you'd like to watch the Brokeback Mountain Movie Special on Logo, right click and save here. I'm being wild, or mad or something, because it's a 212 MB file, and I'm just going to hope that my bandwidth will hold! So please, I beg you, comment to let me know you're downloading!

The caps are all up in a gallery, here, under miscellaneous screencaps. But I have to share a few moments below.

Click images to see the full size picture:

It's just a touch, but it says so much.

On set - for Zahra

This just makes me so happy.

I think this is the point where my 'allergies' will play up, if they haven't already. Damn bad air in cinemas, I tell you!

BTW, I still haven't found a small version of the latest SGA episode - sorry if anyone's been hoping for that.

dl, screencaps, fandom: brokeback mountain

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