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birdsflying December 6 2005, 13:56:38 UTC
Hrm, I don't use Norton because I've never had any luck with it but I went and poked about on their support page and found this: Error: "The Norton AntiVirus Auto-Protect driver could not be loaded . . . " when starting the computer.

Perhaps something there will help? If you do have to uninstall and it won't reinstall, I recommend AVG (http://www.grisoft.com) for Virus protection - there's a free version (although you may have to poke about for it) andit updates regularly. Sygate (http://www.sygate.com/) is a pretty good firewall too.


Thank you! oxoniensis December 6 2005, 14:10:33 UTC
I am such a dunce - I didn't even think of looking at their site! Thank you so much!! I really appreciate that - I don't have time to try their suggestions now, as I'm heading back to work, but fingers crossed for this evening.


Re: Thank you! birdsflying December 6 2005, 14:19:45 UTC
To be honest, their support site is one of the more annoying ones but it's pretty good once you get into it. Plus, as a tech support person, I have all these tips and tricks for getting things out of the internets. :g:

I shall keep my fingers crossed.


Re: Thank you! oxoniensis December 6 2005, 20:36:08 UTC
It worked! All I had to do was run Live Update (I normally leave it to run by itself) and restart the computer. All safe again! *sighs with relief*


Re: Thank you! birdsflying December 6 2005, 23:57:45 UTC
Hoorah! Glad I could help.

And this is completely random and all but are you going to the SG:A con in London in Feb? I can not wait for it. :g:


Re: Thank you! oxoniensis December 8 2005, 22:27:49 UTC
Looks like you helped three of us! Good going!

I didn't actually know there was an SGA con in London! But, no, not going. I'm just not a very fangirly kind of fangirl - I love writing fan fic, and oogling pics and the like, but I don't really want to meet the cast or crew, especially in that kind of setting.

Have fun though! I'll have to look out for posts about it.


Re: Thank you! birdsflying December 8 2005, 22:38:09 UTC
I didn't actually know there was an SGA con in London!

Pegasus One - details on wolfevents.com. It should be pretty good but then I am a regular con attendee so I treat these occasions as the chance do costumes and see a bunch of friends with the guests as bonuses. I have even been known to sleep in the bar during the talks. :g:

I'll definately be posting about it about it though.


nikkers_ December 6 2005, 23:47:44 UTC
This worked for me too - I'm glad I happened apon this thread! Thanks megolas :D


birdsflying December 6 2005, 23:58:20 UTC
Hey, no problem. Glad I could help. It keeps off the streets and all. :G:


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