Assorted goody bag

Nov 14, 2004 13:54

I keep opening files of part-written stories, adding a few words, then going blank. So I decided that I needed some easy art therapy. Hence new textures, and some gradients (which were great fun to make - why did no one tell me they were so much fun?)

Gradients first - I've made two sets, one art inspired, one nature inspired, all three colour. They were made in Photoshop 7, but can be used in Photoshop 6 or above. Sorry, I've no idea how to convert them for PSP use, and I don't think image sets are any use.

Art gradients - download

Nature gradients - download

Textures - there are four new ones up on my site, all 1024 x 768 - this one's my favourite:

There's more! I've capped two more episodes of the West Wing, the latest episode, and a season 1 episode. You can see the galleries here, or download the zips:

West Wing caps:
The West Wing 1.02 ~ Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc - 106 caps, ~ 5.9 MB, 768 x 576, DVD caps.
The West Wing 6.04 ~ Liftoff - 163 caps, ~ 6.6 MB, 624 x 352.


The DVD caps are all actually very sharp, apart from this one, which is just so gloriously dark and shadowy and sexy - I love it.

Sam!!!! In glasses!!!!


Finally, a bit of music. And for once, I'm not going to pimp Boxer Rebellion, because you've already gone out and bought their singles, haven't you? This one's for Smallville fans (I won't say why, because I don't want to spoil anyone who hasn't seen Spell, and if you've seen the episode, well, you already know!)

Schubert - Impromptu in E-Flat, Op. 90, No. 2, played by Vladimir Horowitz (please right click and save, don't stream)

screencaps: the west wing, fandom: the west wing, music, screencaps, resources: gradients, resources, resources: textures

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