Nov 26, 2003 00:44
today was basically a really bad day =\
hmmm.. i guess it started with he fuckin WORST cramps ever.. yeah.. then i went to work and well that was fine execept that john had to bitch. not at me surprisingly but he was still in the office bitching..
then on my break i wanted this salad that i have been craving for like 2 days and i went there and they were closed! err. so then i had like no time to get food but i ran over to KFC and well they didnt give me my change back so i got scewed over by $5 which was lunch money for tomorrow =\ .. so then on top of that i was late comming back but no one said n e thing.. and then the cramps got worse and pms kicked in.. and yeah..
but then taryn called me and well she wante to come up to brian's house with me so after work i got gas and then i got taryn and we went up to brian's house and we went to play pool and brian paid for all of us! woop! and then me and taryn kicked some ass =P
then we went outside to wait for kendal and me and taryn were being "hookers" lol and then we went to the gas station to buy candy and then kendal showed up and we went to his house to chill which became a fighting war between kendal, taryn, and brian. i was too dead to move.. my cramps killed. it was funny though.. brian and his dead segal scream =P
then i had to be home so we went back to brian's house and i go senior pics of him =D so hot =D and then me and taryn had some good convos in the car.. about friendship and shit like that and we kinda came to a conclusion about true friends and shit like that. it was a good convo. and bascially i feel that sometimes i think i try to hard and if i didnt try at all me and some people wouldnt talk at all.. and well i also realized something that was kinda a coiencidence.. and yeah well it made me realize how people let other people control their lives.. but what can i do about it?
ok well i need sleep.. to get rid of the pain! ah! ok night