Nov 24, 2003 21:59
ok well i am feelin better than that last entry.. just some things go to me but i really dont want to talk about it.
so yeah today was an ok day. woke up late.. well if u call 9 late.. talked to sarah for a lil bit and today is her and ryan's 5 months! woop! =D
and well me and lea are better and we talked about alot of things and realized that we are always gonna be best friends and are always gonna be there for each other no matter how many times we have days days and flip on each other =D .. we were always best friends and it is gonna stay that way! woop! my wifey! but brian still think she hates him =\ just for a sec i kinda felt like i had nothing n e more.. and well i dunno yeah but it is better.. yeah.. lol =P
so n e way.. working sucked ass cuz i had to work til 8 and i hate working nights.. always did. but me and paul talked and he is fine that i dont want to work nights cuz he said that michelle can work all nights except mon nights.. so on night a week i would have to work nights which i think i can suffer one night. which i prefer not to but hey i think i can handle one night.
ok well i have a headache and well i am just gonna go bed =) buh byez.